progressives vs Democrats

Crowds Are Packing Democrats' Town Hall Meetings Too-- Take Ro Khanna... Very Different From Mo Brooks

Buried in the new PPP poll about Trump's fights with the media was a question about town halls. PPP's conclusion is that "Members of Congress who dodge open town hall meetings may be opening themselves up to trouble with their constituents. 81% of voters think they ought to hold town halls, to only 5% who think their members of Congress should avoid them.

Field Notes from the Battle Within the Democratic Party

TYT reporter Nomiki Konst interviews DNC Chair candidate Tom Perezby Gaius PubliusIf you ask mainstream Democrats (not a homogeneous group, but easily identifiable by their Clintonist, Obamist policies), and also their collaborators in the so-called "left media," this question — "What about the battle within the Party?" — they'll ask incredulously back, "What battle? Doesn't everyone want unity?" Which is, itself, the next phase of the battle within the Party. The old guard, the Clinton and Obama factions, want unity  — so long as they're still in charge.

The Biggest Ethnic Group In Collin Peterson's District Is Germans. Do They Know What "Dreck" Means?

Collin Peterson-- not a real Democrat, a Dreck DemocratThe other day, I mentioned on twitter that 3 House Democrats-- all extremely reactionary, odious Blue Dogs-- had voted with the Republicans to make it more difficult for women to exercise their constitutional right to Choice: Henry Cuellar (TX), Dan Lipinski (IL) and Collin Peterson (MN).

Will The Democrats Repeat The Same Mistakes That Burdened Us With Trump And A Right-Wing Congress?

Kim Moody took a deep dive into Trumpland in terms of who voted for him.She doesn’t see the same “huge defection of angry, white, blue-collar workers in the Rust Belt from their traditional Democratic voting patterns” having handed the White House over to Trump, although he certainly won Rust Belt states— the traditionally red one, Indiana, plus 3 traditionally blue ones— Wiscon

What We Learned From The Passage Of The GOP's Odious Rules Package-- The New Congress' 4 Worst Democrats Show Their Hand

After the Republicans were forced— not by a Trumpanzee tweet, but by mighty roar from the media and, more important, from the public— to remove an amendment by accused pedophile Robert Goodlatte attempting to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics, the Republican Rules package, the package of rules sponsored by the most ethics-free member of Congress, car thief Darrell Issa, came to the floor late Wednesday. H.R.