progressives vs Democrats

The Two Parties' Internal Civil Wars

Here at DWT, we spend a lot of time fretting about the future of a very divided Democratic Party, in which grassroots progressives are fighting to prevent the party from wandering off in the same old disastrous neoliberal direction its elites insist on in return for the financing they provide to bolster the careers of the elected officials who dominate the party's decision-making process. But not today.

Holding The Execrable Wasserman Schultz Accountable--Tim Canova Will Finish What He Started Last Year

Wasserman Schultz is one of the slimiest politicians in the country-- and she's entrenched. But Tim Canova challenged her in a policy-focused campaign and nearly beat her. She spent over $4,000,000 in mostly special interest money and Tim was able to go toe-to-toe with her in grassroots small dollar contributions ($3,785,044).

Bernie, He's Progressive Enough

Grayson had a clear vision about this. Watch the clip; it'll answer all your questions about makes someone a Democrat worth supporting. (And yes, he endorsed Jon Ossoff and has been raising money for him from his own supporters.)The vetting process for Jon Ossoff was shorter than normal for a Blue America candidate. I never met him in person and spent a couple of hours on the phone with him over 3 calls. He wrote a guest post for DWT. He checked out OK. And, no he wasn't going to be the next Pramila Jayapal, Alan Grayson, Ted Lieu, Elizabeth Warren or Raul Grijalva.