progressives vs Democrats

After Failing With Right-Of-Center Corporate Dems in Every Gubernatorial Race Since They Ran Buddy MacKay In 1998, Time For Andrew Gillum, A Real Live Progressive

A couple of nights ago, centrist MSNBC host Joy Reid tweeted that "The consequences of elections can be grave, America. Voting to 'shake things up' or 'send an outsider to Washington' or going third party to 'send a message' can mean literal life, death or suffering for lots of people.

Will Progressive Republicans Make A Comeback? The Competition Could Do Wonders For The Democratic Party

Blue America has always been more than aware of the failings of the Democratic Party. At a time when other progressive organizations were petrified of bucking the establishment too hard, we were working, successfully, to dislodge entrenched corrupt conservative Democratic incumbents like Al Wynn (MD), Tim Holden (PA) and Sylvester Reyes (TX), who were all replaced-- with progressives Donna Edwards, Matt Cartwright and Beto O'Rourke. But we've never endorsed a Republican. Except once, since we've come along in 2005, the Republican candidate was always the greater of two evils.

The DCCC Doesn't Define The Democratic Party The Same Way Most Democrats Do-- And That's A Big Problem

Over the weekend Nomiki Konst highlighted an excerpt from Donna Brazile's book that explains how the political establishment advances the financial disfunction of the Democratic Party. Konst is, in effect, explaining the DCCC's shameless jihad against working class candidates while recruiting hopeless and generally wretched self-funders.

What Do You Think-- Should We Make The Democratic Party More Democratic?

I just got off the phone being interviewed by a journalist for GQ about how punk bands fought off Nazi sympathizers from the suburbs who couldn't understand the concept of irony and got uncomfortably serious about fascism. The Dead Kennedys, The Clash, Black Flag are the best known among them early on and soon after, Green Day embraced the mantle.

Another Big Win For The Bernie Wing Of The Democratic Party-- This Time In Birmingham, Alabama

Alabama is a badly gerrymandered state in one very predictable way: packing. The racist GOP-controlled state legislature created one congressional district, AL-07, that twists and turns and shoots out tentacles to segregate as many African-Americans in one district as humanly possible. Alabama's population is 26.5% black and has a PVI of R+14.

Randy Bryce-- A Different Kind Of Democrat... More Like Us Than Like Them!

If you're a member of Blue America you got a letter by Randy Bryce yesterday-- Randy Bryce, the Wisconsin iron worker running for the southeast Wisconsin congressional seat represented by a severely damaged Paul Ryan... @IronStache. Randy's letter was very strong and very different from any kind of communication you're likely to receive from a DCCC-manufactured candidate.