progressives vs Democrats

Whose Side Is The DCCC Really On-- When It Comes To Policy? When It Comes To Political Corruption?

Alan Blinder and Alexander Burns noticed-- the DCCC has been recruiting right-of-center Democrats to run for Congress. They call them "moderates" (which they're not) and celebrate the re-emergence of the Blue Dogs, who brought the party low in 2010, when grassroots Democrats refused to vote for them, handing the House majority to the GOP.

New Anti-Berner Model Test In California’s 15th Assembly District Election

The Democratic establishment’s “failures” against Republicans, and great success at marginalizing Progressives, both result from the same rich incentives. To help you laugh through your tears at this corrupt game of top-down class warfare, watch the video above and enjoy the music video, which we encourage you to share (and to adapt freely, per its Creative Commons statement).One local California race could create a new template-- very good or very bad-- for elections nationwide, featuring:

Can Progressives Win-- In Texas? Of Course They Can... But They Have To Overcome The DCCC First

The Texas runoffs are May 22. And as The Nation noted this week, "Insurgent populists are facing off against establishment picks in a series of high-stakes runoffs." D.D. Guttenplan wasn't deterred by a bunch of progressive defeats in Tuesday's primaries in Ohio, North Carolina and Indiana.

Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board Meets With Marie Newman And Blue Dog Arch-Villain Dan Lipinski

The Illinois primaries are just around the corner-- March 20. In a safely blue Chicago districts like IL-03, where Hillary beat Trump 55.2% to 39.9%-- that's the day the next member of Congress is determined. It's a big deal this year on IL-03 because the extreme right incumbent Democrat, Dan Lipinski, has his first-ever primary challenge.

Reaching Across The Aisle For The Benefit Of Working Families, Not To Surrender To Rightists

As though our politics isn't right-wing enough, and isn't controlled enough by Big Money and rigged against working families, there's a new group intern calling itself The Centrist Project, "the only national organization working to recruit and elect independent candidates to office." I got a press release from them celebrating their Colorado affiliate, Unite Colorado announcing "its first wave of independent candidate endorsements for state legislature." This has been catastrophic in Maine and allowed insane people like Tea Party crackpot Paul LePage to win his state's governorship-- twice

Want To Stop Conservative Democrats From Betraying The Party? Take Part In The Nominating Process

In the 2006 midterm elections there was a huge wave against Bush and the Republican Party, Despite the DCCC running some really ghastly Republican-lite candidates-- tons of putrid Blue Dogs-- the wave swept them into office. The Republican House losses: 30 seats. The list below are districts that flipped from red to fake-blue and then subsequently flipped back to red once voters realized they been cheated (primarily by DCCC charlatan Rahm Emanuel):