progressives vs Democrats

Hillary Clinton, Progressives & the Uphill Climb

What both parties will soon be filling your brain with (source)by Gaius PubliusThe increasing likelihood that Hillary Clinton may achieve the Democratic nomination for president without a serious challenge from the left has progressive discussion groups abuzz. There are, of course, a variety of opinions on whether this is good or bad.

The Word "Progressive" Means Something-- And It Shouldn't Be Re-Defined By Conservatives And Corporate Whores

The phrase Große Lüge-- Big Lie (a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously")-- comes right from Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf, although it was his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, who really put the phrase on the map.If Boehner wanted to make a clumsy attempt to lure some self-identifying progressives into supporting the TPP he might start a front organization and call it the Progressive Coalition For American Jobs. But Boehner didn't distort the truth so infamously this time.

Florida Democratic Party-- a Picture Of Congenital Dysfunction

There is no better word to describe the Florida Democratic Party than "pathetic." Professional losers incapable of change, they have managed to wreck the Democratic brand by enshrining a Republican-lite raison d'être into their own DNA. Florida is a 50/50 state-- although Democrats in Florida won 3 out of the last 4 presidential elections.

Barack Obama: Legacy Play or "Untethered" Progressive?

2006: Barack Obama at the launch of theBrookings Institute's Hamilton Projectby Gaius PubliusObama's latest moves in the (sometimes semi-)progressive direction are all the rage among Democratic supporters and activists hoping, finally, that change has arrived. We saw his move on immigration, but just after the election, not before it — meaning not in time to save candidates like Colorado Senator Mark Udall.

Progressives And The Democratic Party-- A Match Made In Hell?

The party's over..."It's always 'Groundhog Day' for Democratic leaders who can't adjust, can't organize and can't win. Let's dump them." That sounds like pretty standard fare for DWT but it comes from a Salon post by Bill Curry, a White House counselor to President Clinton and a two-time Democratic nominee for governor of Connecticut.

A Badge Of Courage: "We Have Earned The Hatred Of Entrenched Greed"... But Not For Today's DC Dems

Early Monday morning we took a look at an inspiring address FDR made to Congress in January, 1936, after his historic landslide win against the Republican Party, a landslide that decimated the GOP in both Houses of Congress as well, leaving them with just 16 Senate seats and 88 House seats. There was no question in the minds of the voters who was on their side and who was standing with Wall Street.

Blue America's End Of The Year Message

This week, we sent our final letter out to the Blue America members. People sometimes ask me how to become a member. That's easy: contribute-- anything, even just one dollar, to any Blue America candidate on any Blue America page, and voilà!, you're a member. This week's letter was more than just a thank you and Merry Christmas note-- although, yes, thank you and Merry Christmas.