progressives vs Democrats

Bernie Clarifies: That Is Not Hillary Clinton's Position

Sunday morning Bernie was on CNN's State of the Union with Jake Tapper. Right from the beginning of the interview Tapper tried getting Bernie to attack Hillary, which he has refused to do. His standard answer is usually that he knows her, likes her and respects her, even if they differ on several issues that are crucial to America's working families. Tapper did manage to get Bernie to lay out some key examples of policy positions where there is a clear contrast with Clinton's neo-liberal-- if not corporatist and Wall Street-inspired-- agenda. Bernie:

Democrats Control The California State Legislature, But DINOs Are Still Mucking Up The Works-- Climate Change

Matt Debabneh, corrupt DINO and Climate Change denierSaturday I was at the celebration of the anniversary of the Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains, one of the most outspoken progressive Democratic clubs in the state of California. The event included local Congressman Ted Lieu as well as recipients of achievement awards like Alan Grayson and Tom Hayden.

If Bernie Is The Nominee, You Won't Have To Pick Between The Lesser Of Two Evils

Over the weekend, Bernie Sanders spoke to the biggest live crowd any candidate has drawn so far in the election cycle-- 28,000 people in Portland. Monday night his live audience in Los Angeles was 27,000. Right-wingers celebrate when they draw over 100 people. And, unlike Trump, Bernie isn't paying actors $50 each to show up for his events.

How Can You Tell If A Candidate Is A Progressive Or Not?

DINO Maria Gutzeit has already proven how awful she isSometimes candidates lie about where they are politically to get support. Two of the worst Blue Dogs I ever had the misfortune to see in action-- Chris Carney (PA) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ)-- swore to me on the phone before they were elected that they were dedicated progressives. Both are bare-faced liars.

Now That We Know What's Wrong With Kansas, What About Florida?

Not Gwen Graham-- the OTHER worthless conservative masquerading as a DemocratPeople scratch their heads and wonder why Florida-- a 50-50 state that Obama won in 2008, beating McCain 4,282,074 (51%) to 4,045,624 (48%), and again in 2012, beating Romney 4,237,756 (50%) to 4,163,447 (49%)-- elects so many Republicans to the state legislature and to Congress.

Will Democratic Constituency Groups Finally Start Holding Conservative Democrats In Congress Accountable For Their Bad Votes? Ask Kathleen Rice

I was born in NYC and my parents moved to Nassau County when I was a kid so they could raise me and my sisters in the suburbs. That's a typical story for folks who live in Nassau County today. My folks moved to Valley Stream first and then out to Roosevelt, both of which are in NY-04, the Nassau County district represented by conservative New Dem Kathleen Rice. And Rice, a former Nassau County District Attorney, has a similar story.