progressives vs Democrats

Is The Democratic Party Now Just Republican Lite At Its Highest Levels?

I hope you read the post yesterday featuring Thom Harmann's interview with Thomas Frank about how the Democratic Party quite consciously transformed itself from the party of the working class and middle class to the party of the Republican-lite rich professional class. If you didn't, please do... it's important to the foundational narrative we've been developing here are DWT over the last decade.

Thomas Frank: What's Wrong With The Democratic Party?

I was in a state of shock this week. I met with some Democratic insiders and the most insider of all-- after repeating word-for-word the Wall Street/Schumer line of why Alan Grayson must be destroyed-- agreed with my assessment of Debbie Wasserman Schultz... perhaps not the specifics of the case against her, but totally with the conclusion: for the sake of the Democratic Party and for the sake of the country, she must be defeated in the late August primary. Wow! Everyone who voiced an opinion inside this relatively establishment group agreed.

A Fork In The Road For Grassroots Progressives

Matt Cartwright moved the grassroots progressive agenda forward yesterdayHillary won all 5 states last Tuesday, although, it's still really too close to call in Missouri, 310.602 to 309,071, a bit over 1,500 votes separating them. Each has been awarded 32 delegates. Illinois was also close... 68 delegates for Hillary and 67 delegates for Bernie. Even Ohio, which was a much bigger win for her, the delegate count was 79 for the establishment and 62 for Bernie. The two Confederate states, of course, were much more strongly in Clinton territory.

Where Is The Democratic Party Headed-- Will Party Elites Continue To Cling To Wall Street Or Re-Embrace Party Values?

In just a few days we'll be looking at the Democratic results from Arizona's primary and the caucuses in Idaho and Utah and at the GOP results in Arizona (winner-take-all), Utah (winner-take-almost-all) and their caucus in Samoa. The media will have something to obsess over that isn't the subject of the inconvenient video just above. Or with inconvenient facts like that damned Ipsos poll showing that Bernie, of all the remaining presidential candidates, is the person most Americans would trust be be commander-in-chief.

One Never Forgets Their First Love

An old friend called this morning to tell me he was running for Congress against a right-wing Republican in a fairly red district. He felt he had a chance to win because Hillary is popular in the area and he expected her to have strong coattails. "Bernie too," I offered, an offering which he was dismissive of. And that led to a discussion about what the value is of lifelong Democrats imbued with the progressive values and principles of the Democratic Party.

This Week's Progressive Victory In Wisconsin-- And What Comes Next

Tuesday night I went to sleep thinking that Wisconsin's most progressive state Senator, Chris Larson, made it into the run-off by coming in second in the race for Milwaukee County Executive (arguably, the second most important elected official in the state after governor). At 4am my phone rang and it was an excited NY-based operative telling me that with all the precincts counted, Larson had won a stunning victory over billionaire right-of-center incumbent-- he inherited the money-- Chris Abele.