progressives vs Democrats

Lila Garrett Is A Los Angeles Progressive Icon-- Want To Guess What She Thinks Of Hillary?

The Hillary-wing of the Democratic PartyA gaggle of professional pols in the L.A. area who identify themselves as progressives-- and sometimes vote in Congress as though they are-- are Hillary surrogates. Some are pretty slimy and none are especially trusted or even respected any longer, if some once were.

The New Dems Have A List Of The Next Batch Of Congressional Sell-Outs And Corporate Shills-- Their 2016 Endorsements

Yesterday at this time, we looked at some of the so-called "Democrats" in Congress who are willing to sell out Social Security and Medicare and other programs that make up the safety net. Who are these people and why aren't they Republicans? Well, most of them are from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, the Wall Street-owned New Dems or the shriveled Blue Dog caucus.

Conservatives Are Still Working Across The Aisle To Wreck Social Security

As the Republican Party has, over the past 3 decades moved further and further right, a certain kind of conservative Democrat unenamored of a progressive world view, has moved in into to fill the void on the center-right that the GOP has abandoned for their more and more commonplace, Hate Talk Radio-driven extremism.

Are We Entitled To Be Sure The Government Will Protect Us From Licensed Financial Predators-- Ask Elizabeth Warren

Because of the systemic corruption of careerist pols like Chuck Schumer, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel, Chris Van Hollen, etc, many Democrats have become so fed up with America's politicians that some are coming around to the Republican position that government is hopeless and useless. But then you see the exceptions-- real public servants like Alan Grayson, Donna Edwards, Ted Lieu and-- as you can see in the video above-- Elizabeth Warren.

Electing Democrats Isn't The Solution-- Electing Progressives Is... Take California, For Example

Bad news for conservative Democrat Cheryl Brown and his lobbyist buddiesYesterday the Courage Campaign released its report card for the California legislature-- and if you're laboring under the delusion that a Democratic majority and a Democratic governor means everything's going to be hunky-dory... a look at the scores will soon disillusion you.

What Does It Mean To Be A Democrat In 2016?

Campaigning in Eau Claire Saturday night, Clinton told a small crowd of supporters that she's "been a proud Democrat all my adult life. And I think that is kind of important if we are selecting someone to be the Democratic nominee of the Democratic Party." I suppose she meant that as a little dig at Bernie since he's been an Independent, rather than a Democrat, although he caucuses with the Democrats in the Senate, just as he did in the House.