progressives vs Democrats

Obama Enables Rubio Opportunism In Orlando's-- And America's-- Tragic Gun Massacre He Helped Cause

No one can wipe away Rubio's record of kowtowing to the NRA and voting against banning military-grade assault weaponsThe full weight and power of the establishment-- both the Republican establishment which has identified him as one of the most potent threats to their reactionary agenda and the no less venal Democratic establishment which cannot abide his independence, his political courage and the incorruptibility that threatens their whole way of life-- have come down

Conservative Democrats Are On The Verge Of Taking Over The Democratic Party Entirely

Earlier today we talked about a partisan re-alignment that sees an acceleration of socially quasi-moderate but fiscally conservative Republicans migrating to the Democratic Party, the way Hillary Clinton, Charlie Crist and Patrick Murphy did, all of whom have worked diligently to undermine core Democratic values and hard-fought policies.