progressives vs Democrats

Draining Our Own Sewer: Clintonism

Please start by watching Elizabeth Warren's speech (above) to the AFL-CIO she made a few hours ago.Yesterday, Bernie issued a statement on Trump's electoral college triumph over Clinton: "Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media.

Clintonism: Re-Defining Progressivism, Populism And The Democratic Party-- And Not In A Good Way

Congressman Wright Patman (D-TX), chairman of the House Banking Committee, 1963-74, led the fight in Congress to stop the manipulators of the Federal Reserve System from 1937 to his death in 1976It flipped me out earlier in the cycle when Obama sent out numerous communications-- including radio ads-- to Democratic base voters in Florida, particularly African-Americans, that reactionary New Dem Patrick Murphy is a progressive.

Are the Parties Losing the People?

Bernie Sanders speaks to the Democratic Party's natural constituency at the Moda Center in Portland, Oregon. Will the Party serve these people, or ask them to serve the Party?by Gaius PubliusNote: This is not about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. It's about change and the status quo. I want to take a preliminary look at a larger topic than just this election, a topic I'll return to at length after the election.

I Wish It Was More Shocking That Florida Democratic Primary Voters Picked Conservatives Over Democrats

Last night, for a post I was working on, I was trying to figure out what major party presidential candidate has done as badly as Trump's latest polling indicates he will. I looked at the results of campaigns I remember tanking badly-- Goldwater, McGovern and George H.W. Bush's failed reelection campaign. But all of them ended up better than the 35% Señor Trumpanzee is polling today.

"You Broke It, You Bought It": A Sanders Activist Challenges Clinton Supporters

Carbon-loving TPP proponent Ken Salazar, Clinton's new head of her transition team. Salazar's group will will recommend names to fill thousands of Executive Branch jobs in the next Clinton administration, should there be one. What do progressive Clinton supporters have to say about his ascension? Anything? Will they push back against it?by Gaius PubliusThis really matters. That Clinton is a better progressive choice than Trump is not much contested.

Yes, There Actually ARE Some Democrats Worse Than Republicans-- Faux Dems From The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party

How do you know if a Democrat is a real Democrat or some crook from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. If the candidate in question is an incumbent, it's easy; they all have voting records you can find at ProgressivePunch. That link shows how House members were scored by the ProgressivePunch algorithm.