progressives vs Democrats

Trump Is The Worst Monster On Earth-- But Does Biden Want To Make You Puke Up Your Lunch?

6 states have fewer than a million people; Delaware is one of them. Biden has never been elected to anything-- unless you want to pretend he was elected VP-- outside of Delaware, a state with a pronounced penchant for electing very conservative Democrats. He has often tried to make it seem that he was a favorite son of Pennsylvania, the 6th most populous state in the union but he's never run for anything there.

Kamala Harris or Susan Rice? The Veepstakes Appears To Have Kicked Out Two Truly Terrible Choices

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, reportedly one of the last of Joe Biden's finalists for Vice Presidentby Thomas NeuburgerEvents on the VP selection front are moving quickly, and so far, it appears from all I can gather (private conversations, news stories, tea leaves left in news stories), that the choice is between Kamala Harris and Susan Rice.

Do You Support A Center-Right Party? You're A Conservative???

I lived in Holland for four years and it was a pretty progressive place, Amsterdam more than the country as a whole, but even the most conservative areas seemed more progressive than the U.S. When I was there, the political party that headed the government was the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy-- better known as the VVD. It's a classic center-right party and pretty much stands for everything the American Democratic Party stands for, not the FDR Democratic Party, but the floating garbage heap Bill Clinton turned the Democratic Party into...

Biden is Going To Be The Most Progressive President Since FDR? Did Some Put Some DMT In Bernie's Joint?

The Bernie/Biden unity task forces presented their proposals to Biden this week. No Green New Deal, no Medicare-for-All, no reparations for slavery, no legalized pot, no free college... none of the beautiful, bold ideas that invigorated young voters this cycle. In fact, Biden is promising what he's always promised: no fundamental change, just a little correction around the edges on a few things...

Most Americans Are Ready-- Eager-- To Vomit On Trump's Grave

Some of the best members of Congress are freshmen who were elected in 2018-- AOC (NY), Ilhan Omar (MN), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Ayanna Pressley (MA), Andy Levin (MI), Joe Neguse (CO), Chuy Garcia (IL), Veronica Escobar (TX), Sylvia Garcia, Debra Haaland. Those 10 are the only freshmen whose voting records have earned them "A" grades from ProgressivePunch.Last cycle, Democrats netted 41 House seats but none of those 10 listed above are included in that count. Each of them won a blue seat that had already been occupied by a Democrat.

Better To Declare Victory After Victory Has Come

He's young, he's probably gay and probably a murderer and definitely a fascist... but he's youngReid Wilson isn't exactly who I look to for good electoral news for progressives, but his post at The Hill yesterday, Wins by young progressives start reshaping establishment, was almost suspiciously, if not downright prematurely, optimistic.

There Really Is A Reason We Have Primaries-- Too Bad So Few People Use Them

Do you watch the Humanist Report much? If not, maybe you should. In the video above, host Mike Figueredo successfully explains why progressives need to show some spine when it comes to dealing with foot draggingly corporate careerist Democrats, especially in leadership. As you know, Marianne Williamson has endorsed Shahid Buttar, who's running against Nancy Pelosi, Mckayla Wilks, who is running against Pelosi's top lieutenant, Steney Hoyer, and Jen Perelman, who is taking on faded party leadership figure Debbie Wasserman Schultz.