Programmed to Kill

Serial Killers, The Occult & Mind Control – Pt. 1 Jay Dyer (Half)

 Is there more at work in many of the famous serial killer cases?  Could some of them be connected in new ways?  What about their military background and training?  What about Vietnam and the wartime period programs?  Could there be an esoteric and occult angle that links them to secret groups, assassins, and networks? […]

Nxivm Cult Gathering Financial Information on Journalists, Judges, Senators and others

 Keep in mind the historical documentation connecting intelligence operations and cults, including but not limited to sex trafficking. Child and other wise.  Uncovered by real muckrakers. Dave McGowan comes to mind - The first six chapters of  his book "Programmed to kill" are linked in the sidebar to the right.

ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Dave McGowan’s Programmed to Kill: MK Ultra Serial Killers – Jay Dyer (Free Part)

As promised, we come to Programmed to Kill, an earlier, and equally important book from Dave McGowan, of Weird Scenes Inside Laurel Canyon fame.  I summarize his thesis and in the full talk give my analysis and commentary based on the numerous other analyses I’ve read regarding related material.  We look at the strengths and weaknesses of his book, as well as the crucial connection to Hollywood, which created a whole new entertainment genre surrounding ‘lone gunner sickos’….or are they really lone gunners?

The Metaphysics of Hollywood Magic & Spelling: Jay on Truth Frequency

I really enjoy Jay Dyer's work. He was recently interviewed by Chris Geo on Truth Frequency Radio. (I'm less familiar with Chris Geo, myself. Anyone here have anything to offer up regarding Mr Geo and his work?)Readers here know that I'm very interested in the methodology behind how our perception in managed- How our society is ordered in the interests of the elites we allow to lead us. This society is most definitely not structured around, or in a way, that serves the masses! That should be quite obvious to us all?

Dave McGowan- In His Own Words

I am sending Meria Heller a big Thank YOU for making this interview freely available to all of us.Hi Meria- from Canada!As mentioned previously, I've listened to Dave gab with Meria for many years now- So, I'm not surprised that he would speak publicly about his circumstances, very candidly, with MeriaHer show & audience would provide Dave a comfortable place to speak from.Scroll down for the link and listen for yourself-Despite the circumstances he is looking to the future- Which is good! Very good!