Processing Distortion with Peter B Collins

Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Democrats Against Hillary

Peter B. Collins Presents Steve Yelich
Lots of Democrats aren’t “ready for Hillary”, and Steve Yelich runs a popular Facebook page where he posts critiques of Hillary Clinton and promotes news of possible alternatives. Yelich gives voice to the concerns of many average voters, that Clinton is a hawkish, pro-Wall Street candidate who has raked in millions in speaking fees from corporate interests as she gears up for her second “inevitable” run.
*Steve Yelich is a 50-year-old Florida truck driver who runs the Facebook page Democrats Against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: “America’s Illegal Drone Wars”

Peter B. Collins Presents Prof. Richard Falk
International law expert Richard Falk argues that armed drones are more dangerous than nuclear weapons. Sold to Americans as an efficient means of killing without risk to American lives, independent reports show that far more innocent people are killed than militant suspects. Falk offers his views on targeted assassination, and regards the drone killings of Americans like Anwar al-Awlaki as indictable offenses by President Obama. He also comments on the partial release of the Senate torture report.