Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds

Pedophile Hastert Case- Clinton Scandals, FBI & the COINTELPRO II Directive

Welcome to Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds. A new accuser has come forward alleging sexual assault in a lawsuit filed against Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. The accuser claims that Hastert sodomized him in the 70s when he was 9 years old. This lawsuit comes several years after a hush money case revealed allegations of sexual abuse against Hastert from his days working as a high school wrestling coach in Illinois.

Current Third Parties: Can a “Limited Hangout” Case be made?

In this episode I discuss ‘Third Parties’ in US politics, invite our viewers to examine the main reasons for the ‘Weakness’ or ‘Lameness’ of current third parties and collectively investigate whether the weak third parties option is by design- Could this be a case of a ‘limited hangout’ of third parties for a dog and pony show only? What say you on the possibility of the current third parties being a “Limited Hangout” to maintain the illusion of choice?
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The Rulers’ Angel-Evil-Making Process: From Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak to Turkey’s Erdogan

Can people turn evil overnight? Do angels become evil overnight? Were they angels in the first place? Not in the real world, but one ruled by evil forces working through their illusion-making tentacles, aka the media. Join us in this episode presenting the rulers’ angel-evil-making process, and take a trip down memory lane from the rise and fall of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak to the current turmoil surrounding Turkey’s Recep Erdogan.
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Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize: Proof of a World turned Upside Down?

In this episode we are going to make the case that our upside-down political conspiracy governing system is masquerading as legitimate, while branding the legitimate minority as conspiracy theorists: A system where real criminals are protected and rewarded: From players of mega financial institutions to those corrupt thieves occupying the seats of Congress; A system in which the real thieves are legitimized and rewarded monetarily and the robbed citizenry is left to bleed.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- US Foreign Aid & Material Support to State Sponsors of Terrorism

In this episode we are going to talk about material support for terrorism, and US Foreign Aid as a means to provide financial (aka material) support to terrorism. Specifically, I am going to present ongoing US foreign aid in billions of dollars sent to a nation recognized as a State sponsor of terrorism, and with that pose the following question: shouldn’t those in our government who sanction and grant billions of your tax dollars to a state that sponsors terrorism be held criminally liable?

Listen to the full audio version here (BFP Subscribers Only):

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- The Unaccountable Insanity Called “US Foreign Aid”!

This is a brief introductory presentation to my coming series on the farce called “USA Foreign Aid.” I discuss our majority being clueless on- where Kazakhstan is, and who gets our tax dollars, aka ‘US Foreign Aid’ there? How was our $60 billion aid spent in Egypt? How come Israel gets all these billions every year, when we are pondering the rising poverty rate in the US and many without healthcare? Why are we bombing Pakistan every day, sending drone after drone to hit them, and then, turning around and giving them billions of dollars every year?

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- “The War on Terror Sham: Mindboggling Comparison of Scales & Proportions!

This will be a brief presentation on the sham called The War on Terror and the involved costs- in terms of scales in methods, dollars and lives. The price tag for the US War on Terror sham is placed at over $4 Trillion. We’ll be looking at mindboggling facts presented via comparison of scales and proportions when it comes to US Military-Intelligence vs. The Supposed Borderless Terrorists in the Middle East. A massive never-ending war against a fantastical network of technologically and militaristically dwarfed terrorists.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- “Kill First, Ask Later … Wait! Never mind! Don’t Ask or Answer Whatsoever!”

In this episode I provide a brief presentation on our dangerous and Kafkaesque world where our nation claims a 100% right to kill with no reason or explanation needed, a 100% right to kidnap and torture, and a 100% right to blacklist and surveil without having to show any justification. We are going to talk about a US code of operation that confidently says “Kill First, Ask Later … Wait! Actually never mind! Don’t Ask or Answer Whatsoever!” We’ll discuss our murders by drones, our secret no fly lists, secret surveillance target lists, and much more.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- False Flag Ops, the Morning After & the Profiteers

Terrorism: The Needed Juice that Expands Wars, Police-Surveillance State
This is our third episode in our coverage of the recent Belgium Bombing as another synthetic terror event carried out under Operation Gladio B. In this episode we’ll begin looking at reactions, events and actions that are taking place since the execution of this recent plot, and the ones that took place before that. We’ll look at objectives that are being pursued and pushed, and who benefits from it all.