MSNBC Censors NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice Minutes Before Interview

“We Don’t Want a Word on Your Allegations Pertaining to NSA Wiretapping of Obama, Judges  & Activists”-MSNBC
On Wednesday, June 19, Boiling Frogs Post broke the news on the NSA’s targeting of political candidates, elected officials, federal judges, law firms and  activists, including candidate Barack Obama, revealed by veteran NSA officer and whistleblower Russ Tice.

MSNBC Censors NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice Minutes Before Interview

“We Don’t Want a Word on Your Allegations Pertaining to NSA Wiretapping of Obama, Judges  & Activists”-MSNBC
On Wednesday, June 19, Boiling Frogs Post broke the news on the NSA’s targeting of political candidates, elected officials, federal judges, law firms and  activists, including candidate Barack Obama, revealed by veteran NSA officer and whistleblower Russ Tice.

President Obama’s Data Harvesting Program: NSA as Pollster, PRISM as MISO

“And to the comfort offered by senators Chambliss, Graham, and Feinstein, who ask us to sleep well and sleep long, there is a simple reply. In what country do they think they are living, and under what constitution?”
By John Stanton
It is way too soon to bet the house fortune on the reliability of reports by the Washington Post (Washington, DC) and The Guardian (United Kingdom) on President Obama’s data harvesting program, known for the moment as PRISM.

President Obama’s Data Harvesting Program: NSA as Pollster, PRISM as MISO

“And to the comfort offered by senators Chambliss, Graham, and Feinstein, who ask us to sleep well and sleep long, there is a simple reply. In what country do they think they are living, and under what constitution?”
By John Stanton
It is way too soon to bet the house fortune on the reliability of reports by the Washington Post (Washington, DC) and The Guardian (United Kingdom) on President Obama’s data harvesting program, known for the moment as PRISM.

Boundless Informant: NSA’s complex tool for classifying global intelligence

RT | June 9, 2013

A new batch of classified NSA docs leaked to the media reveals the details of a comprehensive piece of software used by NSA to analyze and evaluate intelligence gathered across the globe as well as data extraction methods.
The top-secret documents released by the Guardian shed light on the National Security Agency’s data-mining tool being used for counting and categorizing metadata gathered and stored in numerous databases around the world.