Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu

Patrick Seale: Israel’s Messianic Terrorists

Editor’s Note: Intifada Palestine is republishing this article in remembrance of the late Patrick Seale who passed away yesterday April 11, 2014 at the age of 83 after suffering from brain cancer.  He had many skills – as author, journalist, broadcaster, Middle East historian, arts aficionado and dealer and literary agent. But most notably he was the English-speaking world’s foremost chronicler and interpreter of Syria, its troubled modern history and its leadership during the past 44 years that of the al-Assad family, father Hafez and son Bashar.

AIPAC’s Exploding Christmas Gift To Obama

by MJ Rosenberg
Just when President Obama was starting to believe that it was safe to go back into the water, the lobby has come out with a new Iran sanctions bill designed to torpedo negotiations with Iran. And, once that is accomplished, it provides for automatic U.S military backing for Israel if Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu decides to bomb.