primarying Trump

Mark Sanford Says He Doesn't Want To Be A Human Piñata, But...

About 3 weeks ago, former South Carolina governor and congressman announced he would probably be announcing a primary challenge to Trump. A practiced liar and career-long phony-- kind of a southern, more genteel version of Trump-- Sanford made a concerted attempt to sound authentic and accessible in his campaign video: "You can track me down at 843-737-1888..." I called and spoke with his secretary for 10 minutes. She said she's have him call me back.

Joe Walsh Knows He's Not Going To Be President-- What Does He Want?

More Republicans are starting to realize that the existence of their party-- as well as their country-- is in jeopardy because of the dangerous psychotic narcissist they put in the White House. Some-- take Scaramucci-- realize Biden is virtually a Republican in many of his views and they can back him instead, while staying in the GOP.

It's Not Like If Trump Disappeared Everything Would Be Hunky-Dory With The GOP

Early Monday morning, the Wall Street Journal warned that Trump's government shutdown "is curtailing infrastructure projects, food-processing inspections and economic data used by Wall Street. But on a more micro level, it is showing signs of disrupting commerce as hundreds of thousands of federal workers missed out on their first payday of the closure late last week...

Republicans Have A Sense Of Foreboding About 2020-- And They Should

Trump still has a motley collection of apologists-- the Fox News crew, hate talk radio hosts, self-serving politicians, neo-Nazi crackpots and their partners in the white evangelical movement-- but there is no longer anyone with an ounce of intellectual integrity defending Trump or unwilling to admit that he is, far and away, the worst "president" in American history-- off the scale (or on an entirely different scale)