
Replacing A New Dem Chieftain With A Democratic Socialist Who Works For PEOPLE, Not Wall Street-- Meet Rebecca Parson

Derek Kilmer is the head of the Wall Street-owned and operated New Dems, part of the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. But Kilmer's district-- WA-06, the northwest corner of the state Tacoma north through Bremerton to Port Angeles to Neah Bay and down to Copalis Beach and Aberdeen-- is nice and blue. Trump didn't even manage to score 40% there.

Is Fernando Cabrera The Best They Could Do To Find An Opponent To Run Against AOC?

Fernando Cabrera-- I wonder if he ever bought his coke from Antoine TuckerI don't know a lot about Fernando Cabrera, other than that he calls himself a doctor because he has graduate degrees from some fake colleges, one of which is Liberty and the other, Argosy, which the federal government shut down in March for scamming students.

Tulsi Isn't Going To Be President-- The QuestionIs Whether She Can Be Re-elected To Congress At This Point

Tulsi never seems to have any problems with genocidal fascistsTulsi Gabbard's presidential campaign is going badly. Did anyone ever expect it to do better? She's a polarizing figure and I always guessed she was running for a cabinet or sub-cabinet position anyone. Her RealClearPolitics national polling average is 1.0. The new YouGov poll from The Economist. Brought more bad news when it was released yesterday.

Can Robert Emmons Do For Chicago's South Side What Obama Was Unable To Accomplish?

In the 1960s, Bobby Rush, now a 72 year old establishment congressman from Chicago's South Side (and the only person to ever beat Barack Obama in an election), founded the Chicago chapter of the Black Panthers. He completely abandoned radical politics in 1974 after his ill-fated run for the city council-- and never looked back.

Joe Kennedy III's Senate Race-- A Picture Of Dynastic Entitlement

Joe Kennedy, who's nearly 40, was elected to Congress in 2012 when Barney Frank retired. His dad, Joe Kennedy II was RFK's son and a congressman from the Boston district currently represented by Ayanna Pressley. Joe III's biggest accomplishments are being RFK's grandson and JFK's gran nephew. His great-grandmother, Rose Kennedy, was the daughter of John Fitzgerald, who was both a mayor of Boston and another U.S. congressman.

Is The Democratic Party More Than Just A Vehicle For Careerist Politicians? AOC Endorses Marie Newman Against Lipinski

On Monday I asked my Twitter followers if it is enough for a candidate to just be a Democrat fighting a Republican. A slight plurality said no. Only 16% said "yes, for sure," and another 25% said they would vote for the garden variety Democrat but not contribute to their campaign.

Cheri Bustos' Anti-Primary Rule-- A Complete Farce

Last year Dan Lipinski won his general election with 163,053 votes, Cheri Bustos won hers with  142,659 and Ilham Omar? She won hers with 267,703 votes. Now THAT'S enthusiasmThe execrable Cheri Bustos still claims her rule blackballing anyone and everyone who works with any Democratic candidate who challenges an incumbent in a primary is based on a desire to save the freshmen. She's lying.

Primaries-- More Important Than Ever

Politicians can label themselves any way they'd like and feel sure few people will challenge them. One of the most conservative Democrats to have served in the U.S. Senate in any of our lifetimes, Joe Biden, announced that he has "the most progressive record of anybody running" for the Democratic nomination. If the word "progressive" meant "conservative" that would be true.