
In 43 Days We Can Send A Fighting Progressive To Congress... Or Settle For A Garden Variety Democrat

Maryland's 7th congressional district-- plus the suburbs and small towns to the west and to the north of the city including Ellicott City, Cooksville and Columbia-- is so blue (D+26) that the election that matters is not in November but 43 days from today-- primary day in Maryland. Whichever Democrat wins on that day, will be the next Congress member. The choice isn't between a Democrat and a Republican.

Reward Candidates Whose E-mails Aren't Meaningless Spam-- Meet Mark Gamba Of Oregon

Remember that series I started a couple of months ago to demonstrate how candidates can write worthwhile e-mails rather than the hackish garbage turned out by the media consultants spawned by the DCCC? We've got another one today, this by the progressive mayor of Milwaukie, Oregon, Mark Gamba, who is competing for a congressional seat with reactionary Blue Dog Kurt Schrader.

Why The Political Reality Of Cenk Uygur?

Please listen to this 44 minute interview that Nicole Sandler did with Cenk Uygur a few days ago on her show. It would be enough to make the mythical centrist's blood boil-- if there were any mythical centrists and they weren't all as prevalent as unicorns. Do you think the party leadership wants to hear, "We can win this race and we can rock this country?" They don't.

Want To Shake Up Congress For Real? Like To The Foundations? Cenk Uygur's Your Man

Many progressive activists seem not so progressive when they try analyzing the race to replace Katie Hill in CA-25. Some worry that Cenk Uygur's entry into the race might somehow result in a Republican victory in this relatively new district with a Democratic registration advantage whose special election jungle primary takes place on March 3, the same day Californians flood to the polls to pick the Democrat they want to see take on Trump in November.New district? Yes. CA-25, when it was a GOP bastion, was, geographically, the biggest district in California, stretching from northern L.A.

Three-Way Democratic Race In California's Central Valley-- The Choice Is Clear

It's crucially important to get to know who a candidate is in order to be able to predict what kind of a member of Congress they are likely to be-- not just how they will vote-- but also how they will lead, how competent and effective they will be, etc. Recently, we asked incisive author, labor activist, author and former congressional candidate Jonathan Tasini to spend some time with Central Valley progressive Kim Williams. The resulting interview on the Working Life Podcast (above) offers one of the best opportunities to get to know Williams.