TODAY’S COLUMN: May’s Police State Power-grab Post-London Bridge, Saudi vs Qatar and the Endless War on Yemen

Theresa May tables more draconian measures and calls for internet controls on speech in the wake of this weekend’s London Bridge Attack, Saudi Arabia throws Qatar under the bus, 800 days of the war against Yemen, UK Police State and more. 
UK Column co-anchors Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson, joined by 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen and AFP’s Mark Anderson with today’s news round-up.

How to Keep Ticks off of You, and Get Rid of Them if Needed

I used to live in the middle of nowhere, and my neighbors and I were constantly picking ticks off of our pets. When you think about ticks, you associate them with living in the woods. But these Lyme-disease carriers are everywhere. Whether you’re hiking through the wilderness or yanking weeds out of your backyard garden, there could be a tick nearby, eyeing you up like a juicy burger.
Do you know how to handle finding a tick on your clothes? Let’s test your knowledge with a little quiz.
You find a tick on your pant leg. You should: