Presidential polls

Clinton Will Build Her Biggest Lead on March 15. Sanders Will Erode It After That.

Don't question the lizard. The lizard Gaius PubliusI'm keeping this short to put a very simple idea into your head. Because of the way the Democratic Party voting calendar is structured this year, Clinton's largest lead will occur on March 15. After that, most of Sanders' strongest states will vote.What this means is simple:

Are the Wheels Coming Off in the Democratic Primary? A Roundup.

Carl Bernstein explains why the White House is "horrified" at the state of the Clinton campaign, which they (and Bernstein) Gaius PubliusThis is a roundup of recent pieces with a common theme — the wheels may be coming off the effort to keep the insider game alive on the Democratic side. Note, for example, in the Bernstein portion, the great concern by the White House that Hillary may not be able to take the crown.I didn't expect to see this explosion of concern. Putting all this in one place makes interesting reading. I do encourage clicking through.

New Poll Shows Sanders in Landslide Over Both Trump and Bush

Bill Maher and Ann Coulter in June 2015 discussing the prospect of a Sanders presidency (from The Thom Hartmann Show)by Gaius PubliusI put up the video above to show, again, that many including Ann Coulter think Sanders would be the more formidable Democratic candidate for president in the general election. The recent McClatchey-Marist poll seems to confirm Sanders' strength.