presidential elections

Does a Republican Have To Win Before a Progressive Can Run for the White House?

Is the Democratic Party transitioning its base from working people and progressives to #NeverTrump Republicans and whoever this guy represents?by Thomas Neuburger In the wake of Kamala Harris's pick as Joe Biden VP, I want to look again at something I covered in June (see "What's the Earliest a Progressive Democrat Can Be Elected President?<

The Word "Moderate" Has Been Perverted To Cover Up The True Meaning In Democratic Party Politics: "Conservative"

Do you ever read You should. A couple of days ago they asked Paul Rockwell to write about the history of moderates. He began by reminding readers that "In 2016 Democrats nominated Hillary Clinton, not because she was a visionary, certainly not because her agenda generated enthusiasm among young voters, but because Democrats-- influenced by media-- simply assumed that centrists are automatically more electable than progressives. That assumption has no basis in reality. Even worse, the centrist viewpoint could well lead to another Clinton-like fiasco.

Meet the Candidates Taking on Bolivia’s US-Backed Right Wing Government

Bolivia’s presidential elections are scheduled to take place on May 3, 2020. The elections will be organized by the ‘transitional’ government of Jeanine Anez who seized power in a U.S.-backed military coup on November 10, 2019. The coup forced out the democratically elected leftist-indigenous government of Evo Morales, who presided over an economic boom following a rejection of IMF-imposed neoliberal measures. 

The Charade of Romania’s Presidential Election

Social media is full of memes making fun of PSD’s candidate, Viorica Dancila. Indeed, she has committed a great many blunders – her casual use of cacophonies, in particular, is by now legendary – just like her 180 degree turn on the Romanian Deep State. Dancila was saying that a Deep State, a Shadow State exists, and that this entity had to be combated. But after Dragnea was sent to prison, Dancila swiftly changed her mind, and said publicly that she hadn’t knowledge that a Deep State exists, and that her party’s attempts to change the justice laws was a mistake. Quick observation.

On the Eve of Venezuela’s Elections, the US Empire Isn’t Sitting Idly by

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is the frontrunner in the presidential elections scheduled for May 20. If past pronouncements and practice by the US empire are any indication, every effort will be made to oust an avowed socialist from what is considered the US’ “backyard.”
With a week to go to the election, the leftist president of Bolivia Evo Morales tweeted:

#MacronLeaks: En Marche Campaign Team Hacked Days Before Final Election Round

21st Century Wire says…
Already Russia and its ‘troll army’ are being blamed for the hack of the Macron campaign less than 24 hours ago.
A 9GB cache of internal documents was dumped onto the Magnet file-sharing network on Friday night, less than two days before the French people go to the polls on Sunday. The leaked files are believed to contain strategy documents, financial data, and personal correspondence from Macron’s En Marche!

The U.S. Interfered In Foreign Presidential Elections 81 Times From 1946-2000

U.S. President Harry Truman, left, and Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, right, stand together on Oct. 23, 1951. The coup d’état that led to the democratically elected Mossadegh’s ouster two years later was orchestrated by the U.S. CIA, declassified documents confirm. (Photo/Abbie Rowe via Wikimedia Commons)

Trump or Cruz: Republican Choice

In the steamy summer of 2012, at the Irving, Texas, megachurch that helped elect Ted Cruz to the U.S. Senate, Rafael Cruz summoned followers to take dominion over leadership of our country. He named his son, Ted Cruz, as one of the anointed. Ted, he said, is one among the evangelical Christians who are anointed as “kings” to take control of all sectors of society and “bring the spoils of war to the priests,” in this way bringing about a prophesied “great transfer of wealth” from the “wicked” to righteous gentile believers.