
“Team Harris” gets press – but isn’t it Biden who wants to be President? [Video]

Sometimes, you get a perfect rundown of what is really going on in the world. As regards Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, this is one of the best early analyses of this pair of Presidential candidates. In fact, it is probably most accurate to say precisely that: This is a pair of presidential candidates, not a Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidate team.
Joe Biden has the first name on the ticket, but Kamala Harris, a Senator who didn’t make a decent showing in any Democrat primary, is being treated more like the presidential candidate than he is.

Russiagate is a 100 percent fake story, Part III: The Brookings Institution and Ukraine [Video]

As our series continues, we briefly refer to the earlier parts of it: The first part of this series lays out the claim that we believe Russiagate to be a complete and total fabrication, mainly used by Democrats to damage or control President Trump, and also utilized by GOP people who wish to use it as a cover for their own Deep State activities, which are notably hostile to an increasingly Christian, traditionalist Russia.

Bad Cop – Good Cop, Part Deux – Trump blasts Iran deal, while Macron proposes fixing it

Once again, the mainstream American press is blindsided by their commitment to defraud the US President. Last week, CNN and other networks excoriated President Trump because he did NOT go for new sanctions against Russia, but stopped them from happening. Today the media narrative pivoted to Iran, and as usual, President Trump has launched into this problem with all rhetorical guns a-blazing:

« After years » du Cercle des Volontaires : venez célébrer avec nous les 5 ans de notre média citoyen ! (dimanche 9 juillet)

Le Cercle des Volontaires est heureux de vous annoncer que notre chaîne YouTube vient de passer la barre symbolique des 10 000 000 de vues : merci à nos 30 000 abonnés ! Pour nous qui avons toujours essayé de privilégier la qualité à la quantité, cela est vraiment réjouissant.