President Xi Jiping

China’s economy, technology, and military is racing past the West: Jeff J. Brown explains

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The administration of former US President Donald Trump, escalated tensions with Beijing to the highest level in recent history in all aspects: economy, technology and military. Global security depends on a stable relationship between the two superpowers. Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse reached out to China expert, Jeff J. Brown for some […]

US – China COLD WAR will focus on Taiwan not Hong Kong (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss China’s new national security laws that aim to prohibit anti-Beijing sentiment in Hong Kong.
As the world waits to see how the Trump White House will respond to China, and the Hong Kong security laws, future tension between the two superpowers will not be focused on Hong Kong but on Taiwan.

China knows its global economic dominance just ended [VIDEO]

Here on The Duran, we are blessed to be able to run news and opinion pieces with widely divergent points of view. For example, this piece submitted by InfoBrics, written by Lucas Leiroz from Rio de Janiero, proposes that the possibility that COVID-19 got its start in the US, and was planted in China as a weapon to assure a US victory in the trade war being waged with China.