President Trump

With (almost) bloodless coup accomplished, America gets its beating [Video]

With the present battle for the White House over, illegitimately-elected President Joe Biden wasted no time obeying his handlers. In a large series of some thirty Executive orders, the usurper tried to undo a number of key measures taken by the Trump Administration, in the name of “restoring normalcy.” Here is the full list of […]

Two Fox hosts home in on the truth of the fraudulent, rigged election [Video]

In a companion piece, entitled “Trump election challenge will crush the mainstream media’s blackout”, we noted how the final attempt to set the 2020 election back on an honest footing is gathering force in Washington. We noted how at the time of writing, some 160 US Representatives and at least 12 US Senators appear to […]

Trump election challenge will crush the mainstream media’s blackout [Video]

I think Dr. Steve Turley says everything that we need to think about in this video below: It looks like the biggest election showdown since 1876 is set to happen this week. The mainstream media has been breaking its back trying to convince the American sheeple that Biden is an inevitability. He isn’t. Admittedly, it […]

Rudy Giuliani makes voter fraud case, new evidence reported DURING hearing [Video]

The mainstream media is lying to all of us. Everybody, including especially Fox News is liable for the Grand Hoax being perpetrated upon the American people. We offer here the hearing that took place before the Georgia Senate Subcommittee on Tuesday, December 30th, offered by former New York Mayor and now personal attorney of President […]

The DEVIL went down to Georgia!

HILARIOUS! The DEVIL Went Down To GEORGIA ! EPIC Dan Kamide Does It Again ! source @PRESIDENTTRUMPTWEETS – PRESIDENTTRUMPTWEETS – The #Devil Went Down To #Georgia …… And We… The #Devil Went Down To #Georgia …… And We Are Running Him OUT! #makesomenoise #seeyouindc #savetherepublic #saveamerica #fightfortrump #standupforamerica #stopthesteal #stopthecoup #holdthemaccountable #corruptdemocrats #demoncraps #demons #lockthemup […]

Damn good television: An excerpt from the PA hearing [Video]

This is a brief segment, about 5-10 minutes, of the opening of the hearing before the Pennsylvania Commonwealth (Pennsylvania is technically a commonwealth, not a state, but it acts like a state) showing some indicators of the massive election fraud that took place in that state. Mayor Rudy Giuliani shows his prosecutorial prowess in the […]

REAL MOVEMENT in the Election saga as Giuliani’s team SCORES in PA [Video]

While the mainstream media keeps singing the not so great hit, “I’m Just Biden* My Time”, causing the original writers to spin in their graves, (the real song is a classic, listen here), the legal team representing President Donald Trump just scored a major victory with their testimony before a group of Pennsylvania state legislators, […]