President Putin

The King of the Hill syndrome and US foreign policy [Video]

Mel Brooks had a famous line in several of his movies: It’s good to be the king. His off-color comedies put this principle into practice to great comedic effect, and although a bit bawdy, the line is certainly memorable. The only problem is that Life does not show that this statement is always true. In fact, quite the opposite. The game King of the Hill, is fun for kids to play, but it is almost always a situation where the “king of the hill” has the most precarious position in the whole game.

Piers Morgan Part II: liberalism has become unbearable [Video]

In Part I of this series, we gave our readers access to a fascinating interview given by Ben Shapiro and Piers Morgan on August 18th, 2019. Piers gives a fascinating and honest assessment of what has become of liberalism, while yet retaining his identity as a liberal. In this second part, we will offer the significant timestamps and points or topics addressed and some summary analysis.

President Putin’s Speech at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Heads of State Council Meeting

June 14, 2019 President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President of Kyrgyzstan, colleagues, I certainly agree with the positive assessments of the activities of our organisation, the SCO, which have just been voiced here. The SCO is indeed

President Putin’s anti-fake news law is brilliant, but the West makes more

The TASS Russian News Agency reported on March 18th that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed off on a new law intended to block distorted or untrue information being reported as news. Promptly after he did so, Western news organizations began their attempt to “spin” this event as some sort of proof of “state censorship” in the oppressive sense of the old Soviet Union. In other words, a law designed to prevent fake news was used to create more fake news.

Fake news and its significance in US – Russia relations – Part II

In part I of this series we looked at the advent of “fake news” as a distinctly understood entity. In particular we looked at how the fake news narrative went largely unchallenged in America about all things – both inside the country and outside – for decades, despite the advent of conservative talk radio and internet news sites like our own.