President Donald Trump

Nikki Haley to quit as UN Ambassador

The American ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, announced her resignation from her post on Tuesday, October 9th. Haley, 46, plans to complete her work at the end of the calendar year.
The former governor of South Carolina, Haley was picked to be the American ambassador to the UN by President Trump on November 23, 2016, shortly after Donald Trump won the Presidency. Her confirmation was nearly unanimously approved in the Senate, 96 to 4. She is the first Indian-American to hold a Cabinet-level position in the American government.

Rod Rosenstein hangs on to post, but not without pain

When news broke that Rod Rosenstein had given his verbal resignation to the White House Chief of Staff, news outlets all over the world jumped on this story, including us here at The Duran. The initial breaking story turned out not to be so – and Mr. Rosenstein is still holding the post of Deputy Attorney General. But the day was no less chaotic for him, and although the initial story may be premature, it is still clear that an upheaval is definitely in progress.
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Tucker Carlson EVISCERATES Stormy Daniels’ creepy lawyer (VIDEO)

“Creepy Porn Lawyer” is the nickname that Tucker Carlson gave Michael Avenatti, the attorney representing the porn star who goes by the name “Stormy Daniels”, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford. Ms. Clifford, as “Stormy”, made a name for herself after the election of President Trump, by alleging that the now-president had relations with her back in 2006, shortly after Mr. Trump married Melania.
This revelation was against the agreement Trump’s attorney at the time, Michael Cohen, had made with the actress, paying her about $130,000 in “hush money.”

New York Times “anonymous” op-ed is the mainstream media’s latest magic trick

On September 5th, the media world was “rocked” by an anonymously authored op-ed piece in The New York Times that, to hear about it through all the other networks, was like the end of the world for President Trump. According to the op-ed piece itself, it is written by a “senior official in the Trump White House” who has “vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”
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Bob Woodward’s ‘tell all’ book puts Trump White House on the defensive

Bob Woodward is something of an icon of American investigative journalism. His work with Carl Bernstein spelled the end of Richard Nixon’s career as President of the United States, and the story of how “two men with a typewriter” were able to bring down the most powerful man in the world is journalism legend.
In excerpts from his new upcoming book, Fear: Trump in the White House, it appears that Mr. Woodward is trying to capitalize on his journalistic largesse to do it all over again.