President Donald Trump

President Trump digs in on the border wall; Pelosi plays in the sun

On December 21st, a partial federal shutdown began, openly owned by President Trump. The reaction from many Americans, including those affected by the shutdown, is very supportive of this action. A large group of Americans, Trump supporters of course, really want the border wall. The Democrats response? Well, Nancy Pelosi went to Hawaii for vacation, and the Congress shows no urgency towards meeting to solve this problem.

Watch: Democrat Chuck Schumer shows his East Coast elitism on live TV

One of the reasons Donald Trump was elected to the Presidency was because of his pugnacious, “in your face” character he presented – and promised TO present – against Democrat policy decisions and “stupid government” in general.
One of the reasons President Donald Trump is reviled is because of his pugnacious, “in your face” character he presented – and promised TO present – in the American political scene.

Washington Post spins Tucker Carlson criticism of Trump

Tucker Carlson of Fox News is noteworthy as an American newsman. Of all the fine reporters at Fox, he alone refuses to embrace any of the narrative about “Russian meddling” and calls the whole issue out as false. However, his independent thinking goes even farther, extending to round criticism of President Trump. This was reported from an interview Mr. Carlson gave for the Swiss weekly publication, Die Weltwoche.

Trump and Putin meet anyway, but future meeting plans on hold

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin did meet after all, speaking informally for a period of time during the G20 meeting held in Buenos Aires, Argentina over the weekend of Nov 30-Dec 1. However, at the present time, prospects for a more substantive policy meeting between the two leaders look dim, with the Kremlin’s Dmitry Peskov categorically saying that there is no possibility of President Putin going to Washington, D.C. for a meeting, at least not at this time.

President Trump authorizes use of lethal force against invading caravans [Video]

President Trump moved the ball of perception about stopping illegal immigration in a most notable fashion. On November 22, Thanksgiving Day, the American president was interviewed after his holiday phone call to the military, and discussed the authorization of the use of lethal force against immigrants in the caravans who try to forcibly enter the United States’ territory (points of emphasis added):

Trump stands by Saudi Arabia but acknowledges problematic alliance

America’s foreign policy is often a subject of massive criticism in the world outside the United States. One of the biggest areas of criticism is the US set of policies for the Middle East, most notably Saudi Arabia and Israel. Not only are these policies severely criticized by non-Israel-aligned countries there, but the mainstream American media waxes hot and cold by turns on the matter.

John Bolton discusses US reasons for INF withdrawal

John Bolton, the US National Security Adviser to President Donald Trump, is in Moscow this week. The main topic of concern to many Russians was the stated intention by President Trump to withdraw the US from the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (or INF) Treaty with Russia. With the current record of American hostile and unprovoked actions taken against the Russian Federation over the last two years especially, this move caused a good deal of alarm in Russia.