President Donald Trump

The conclusion of Russiagate, Part III – MSM Apologies?

Sharyl Attkison, formerly of CBS News, is one of a very few journalists in the mainstream media who has shown real integrity in her research and reporting, for which she has also been the subject of controversy and slander for refusing to follow the drumbeat of the mainstream media narrative. She often represents what a true journalist can and should do: seek the truth of any story, make it clear and understandable without dumbing down, and report it. For her, news is that which people must have, simply because it is helpful information, and not politically calculated propaganda.

Trump Is Going to Thank MSNBC Until November 2020

Peddlers of Russia-gate have boosted the U.S. president’s re-election campaign,  writes Caitlin Johnstone.   By Caitlin Johnstone After news broke that Robert Mueller had turned in his final report without recommending any further indictments, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow began frantically retweeting blue-checkmarked Twitter pundits who…Read more →

The conclusion of Russiagate, Part I – cold, hard reality

The conclusion of the Russiagate investigation, led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, was a pivotal media watershed moment. Even at the time of this writing there is a great deal of what might be called “journalistic froth” as opinion makers and analysts jostle to make their takes on this known to the world. Passions are running very high in both the Democrat / anti-Trump camps, where the reactions range from despondency to determined rage to not swallow the gigantic red pill that the “no collusion with Russia” determination offers.