President Donald Trump

Ukraine was Obama’s candy store and a Deep State stronghold [Video]

Once again, a piece of the truth rises to the surface as the result of President Trump’s determination to “drain the swamp”. Who would have thought that part of that swamp included the bolotniy (болотный) all the way across the sea in the land of Ukraine? But there it is, now getting exposed to anyone who cares to study American news with a bit of care. This interview with Victoria Toensing,  Joe DiGenova and Lou Dobbs of Fox News exposed much to the Americans – much that those of us who eschew the American press already knew.

Tulsi Gabbard shoots straight on the Middle East – like a soldier should

Most of the Democrat “leaders” and presidential candidates on offer of late are useful for little more than comedy television, if one considers hyper-political snipery (all done with proper parliamentary procedures) as comedy. It may be so, but we often find that some antacids are probably necessary after watching Jerrold Nadler’s Incredibly Contrived Compleat Impeachment Fairy Tale. And, yes, my sarcasm is showing. But Tulsi Gabbard is a completely different story.

Trump FIRES John Bolton – a departure from Neocon-ism?

Now this is news. The Trumpster fires the Warmonger. Or at least, this is how a great many people will think of this. John Bolton has long been considered the resident Neocon swamp dweller, with tenures across multiple presidential administrations. However, it is wrong to assume that his advice was blindly accepted and acted upon by President Trump. Quite the opposite.
NBC News carried the piece that Drudge linked to on its aggregator site, but Fox News writer Brook Singman gave probably the least speculative report.

Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar try to crack US’ Israel policy

As most readers of The Duran are painfully aware of, the United States has executed a policy toward Israel that has been painted as “a great relationship with our closest Middle East ally”, but which often in reality exposes the US as something of a proxy to the wishes of the Israeli leadership. The actions of notably anti-Israel Democrat House Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are actually trying to fracture this slavish relationship between the two countries.

Who are the real warmongers? Probably not who you think.

John Bolton. Mike Pompeo. The US warmongering senators of the past and now. The late John McCain. American colonialists or imperialists. All of these people are no doubt getting absolutely lambasted today and in coming days as warmongers, in the news surrounding the apparent downing of an American Navy RQ-4A Global Hawk in the area near the Strait of Hormuz early Thursday morning, local time. The only problem is that they are not the real warmongers. The real warmongers are far, far worse than any of the named people above.