President Donald Trump

President Trump invites Putin – and Russia – to help at G7

TASS, the Russian News Agency, reports that Russia’s presence is both valued and desired at the upcoming G7 meeting. Last week, US President Donald Trump informed that the G7 summit set to take place in the USA would be moved from late June to September, adding that he plans to invite Russia, South Korea, Australia and India. The American president noted particularly that it is important for Russia to have a presence at the meeting, that this would be a great help to the work done there.
From TASS:

America reopens as common sense – and anger – begin to defeat COVID paranoia [Video]

Finally, the long hell of imposed self-isolation is breaking – at least in much of the United States. America reopens now. The self-isolation period – a very unhealthy period, physically as well as psychologically – is being shown to have been a producer of the damage and death during its imposition, but even more now. We present Tucker Carlson’s assessment first:

Tucker Carlson brings some of the most interesting and significant questions up in this clip:

75-Year Victory Day celebration over a Russia in quarantine [Video]

One cannot resist thinking that this Victory Day scene is a bit post-apocalyptic. The sight of the yearly military air parade over Moscow was a welcome sight as I watched several formations of fighter planes and a single Tupolev bomber fly over my home in southeastern Moscow. Tuning in to RT’s “Ruptly” service online yielded a video presented here in full:

Russia flies needed coronavirus aid to the United States

A somewhat buried article on the Russia Today (RT) English-language site, and more prominently shown on the Russian site, notes that Russia sent a plane full of needed helpful supplies and equipment to help the United States combat the coronavirus pandemic and help its people. On the morning of March 31st, the USA has over 164,000 cases – twice as many confirmed cases of the virus as China presently is reporting.
From the English-language piece (with slight corrections for language):

US impeachment trial shows great wisdom of the US Constitution [Video]

If one judges the age of nations by how old their constitutions and governmental structures are, Paul Ryan tells the truth when he says the US has the oldest democracy in the world. This is verified as True, even on PolitiFact. The US Constitution was ratified in 1788, and although it has been successfully amended 27 times, it has never been fundamentally changed since ratification.