President Donald Trump

‘Captured by the Kremlin,’ John Bolton labeled Russian operative by Fake News media

America is getting tired of RussiaGate. President Trump is tired of RussiaGate. That is why he sent John Bolton, the National Security Adviser, on over to Moscow to meet with President Vladimir Putin to plan an upcoming summit. The meeting, as reported here, was a clear success. The summit itself is to be held on July 16 in Helsinki, Finland.

Paul Manafort in JAIL as Russiagate investigation gasps for breath

Russiagate refuses to lay down and die just yet.
Even as President Trump begins to more openly discuss the need to bring Russia back into the G8 nations and as he discusses feeling vindicated by the Justice Department’s Inspector General report on the Hillary Clinton / FBI e-mail probe, Paul Manafort had his bail revoked by a federal judge. He is now to be sent to jail while awaiting separate trials on money laundering and fraud charges. These charges followed allegations that he sought to obstruct the Russia inquiry whilst being under house arrest.

DOJ releases DAMNING report on FBI handling of Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation

The Associated Press on Thursday, June 14th, announced early in the morning that the Justice Department released its long-awaited report. Compiled by Inspector General David Horowitz, the 568 page report details the investigation into the practices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation under Director James Comey in regard to the matter of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server and her compromise of classified information through the use of a non-secure server.
Here are some of the findings:

What you need to know about the North Korea – US summit

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un are in some ways, rather alike. Both are brash and fearless. Both are easy with bellicose rhetoric, but both are also open to dealmaking.
Today, this process began to unfold in a most visible manner on the world stage.
President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un concluded their nuclear summit on Tuesday by signing a document in which the American president pledged “security guarantees” to the North Koreans, and in turn, Chairman Kim reiterated his own commitment to a complete removal of nuclear weapons from the Korean Peninsula.

SORE LOSER Democrats try to bolster FAILED RussiaGate narrative – by SUING Trump and Russia!

RIA Novosti and Fox News both are running the story of how the Democrat Party of the United States of America is suing President Donald Trump’s campaign officials, the Russian government and WikiLeaks, with the accusation that these three entities were engaged in a conspiracy (RussiaGate) to help Donald Trump win

OOPS! Two unexploded cruise missiles delivered to Russia from Syria

The TASS News Agency reported on 19 April that the Syrian military found two cruise missiles that did not explode during the US-led missile strike of April 14. Both missiles were discovered to be in relatively good shape, and they were handed over to a Russian military officer on April 17.
After this, the missiles were flown to Russia by plane, presumably for analysis. TASS could not confirm this independently with the Russian Defense Ministry at this time.

President Trump FURIOUS as holes continue to appear in American Syria narrative

President Donald Trump has been angry quite a bit lately. This seems to be the main theme that is trumpeted on the Trump-hating networks like CNN and the other mainstream news media networks. On the morning of April 18, this author was stunned to see how CNN actually called its own people to all “Stay in the same camp” about Russia and Syria, as the drone of the network continued to try to play Trump as an indecisive leader or a Russian sycophant because he upended his UN Envoy Nikki Haley in refusing to impose new sanctions on Russia.

President Trump defies his own hawkish administration, refuses new sanctions against Russia

President Donald Trump has made a new move, which is simply NOT to move in pressing new sanctions against the Russian Federation in regards to their support of the Syrian regime under President Bashar al-Assad. This move came as a surprise, because only hours before the US envoy to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, was presenting the move for such new and severe sanctions against Russia.
Sputnik News reports that White House Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders announced that the imposition of new sanctions was being placed on hold.
This naturally produced a media firestorm.