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Nora Gedgaudas- IQ, Fat and Good Food- Interview

 Better eatin' for better living and better health.Keep in mind your brain is fat and cholesterol.................Nora Gedgaudas, a widely recognized expert on what is popularly referred to as the "Paleo diet" is the author of the best-selling book, Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and A Longer Life. She is also the author of the newly released book: Rethinking Fatigue: What Your Adrenals Are Really Telling You and What You Can Do About It. She is also an experienced nutritional consultant, speaker and educator.

Encore Presentation “Supernatural: Magic and Spelling as Mind Control”

I have been thinking for a long while about relinking this interview. It seems now is the right time.Background I first put this up over a year ago. It was well received then. Hopefully new readers will find it informative, enlightening and intriguing. I know, I did. As I said back then and it still applies now-

Rockefeller Medicine: Keeping you sick and poor.

Can you imagine how it pleases me to see James Corbett address Rockefeller and his creation of our modern medical dis-ease , not cure, system?It pleases me very much!  One of his references is a book, well worth reading. I know, because I have read it, and it is a must read book. Seriously: A must read!   Wanna understand just how much absolute manipulation for the sake of profit, not health, is behind the creation of our so called 'modern medicine'???Read this book.

Evil and Power- The Dark Art of Mind Control

If you have been around here for some time you will have grasped at least one constant theme that runs through this blog - 'perception management'. How is your perception managed? The main stream media. Religion. Popular culture would  also be a means of managing you.Fashion. Advertising. You get the idea? Being aware of how it is you are manipulated, managed and thusly controlled is paramount to knowing how to resist the mind control.