prescription meds

Lab Test Confirm: Child gets measles from vaccine!

The measles hype over the past month or so has just been over the moon. Unbelievable. Of course the medical mafia has had their minions out in full force to hype up the fear. One story that caught my eye was a case of measles in Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada. A child who had received one dose of  the vaccine but came down with measles.

Big Pharma- A racket. A Criminal Racket. Responsible for 200,000 annual deaths

Below is an article from Daily Beast- I did not use the Daily Beast headline "Big Pharma is America's New Mafia" because that title is absurd! That title does not accurately reflect the FACT that the pharmaceutical cartel is intimately tied with the petro- chemical industry and goes back many years. Big Pharma is not a new mafia, it is in fact, an old crime syndicate. We can go back to the Rockefeller's Medicine Men book to understand just how long this crime syndicate has been in place. I will relink that book at the end of this post! If  you have not read it before, read it now.

Jennifer Hibben-White "Angry Mom"- Conflict of Interests & Promoting a For Profit Agenda

With much thanks to anonymous commenter, who so very kindly left links to two videos clearly demonstrating the conflicts of interest so called "angry mom' clearly had when she posted her disgraceful rant against those she so derogatorily labelled as "anti-vaxxers"I knew there was more to this then met the eye. The rant was very manipulative. Written by someone who KNOWS how to use media to push buttons in order to  elicit a specific response

CIA Torture/Human Experimentation = Manchurian Candidate Creation

This story, from Washington Post today, caught my eye. Reading the piece linked below it is clear that Washington Post is spinning this as that "learned helplessness" theory created by Seligman. But this one tiny paragraph suggests so much more. What happened to the man specifically mentioned below goes well beyond 'learned helplessness' It would only make sense that there were several  more experiments going on besides  'learned helplessness' . It appears as if learned helplessness is the one being acknowledged.

Glenn Close raised in a cult?! The Moral re-armament cult?In her own words...

Glenn Close- Raised in a Cult. Celebrity news is not my norm, however, this caught my eye!Perhaps this cult upbringing explains why she has a male name?Glenn's father, a doctor? A CIA doctor? Entirely possible. In fact I would say, definitely! She claims she was able to "break free" from cult indoctrination at 22, but, doesn't say how she managed what must have been a difficult process. She just "calmly walked away" Doubtful.The scoop-