preemptive pardons

Will The Señor Trumpanzee #CocaineConvention Manage To Generate A Reverse Bounce?

I'm still hoping lots and lots of people watch the Republican #CocaineConvention. That's because I think it will turn off independent voters and may even persuade some mainstream-- as in non-fascist-- Republicans to stay home on November 3rd. Unfortunately, according to Nielsen, just 15.9 million people watched, a 28% drop from 2016.

Is Participating In A Plot To Undermine Democracy A Crime?

Today was the dual hearing on the unconstitutional nature of Joe Arpaio's pardon and on his own request to vacate his conviction. That's a little context for an understanding of what role Michael Dreeben is meant to play on Robert Mueller's team looking into Putin-Gate. Greg Farrell did the reporting for Bloomberg on how Mueller can tackle the expected preemptive pardons Trump is expected to start handing out to family members and regimistas.