predictive programming

Porkins Policy Radio – Now a Radio Show - Spy Culture

My good friend Pearse has been given the opportunity to do his show on the radio so he invited me on as his guest for the very first episode. We took on an old favourite – Chase Brandon – and discussed his relevance to the world of state-sponsored entertainment before engaging in a multi-faceted conversation going into the reports from the Pentagon’s entertainment liaison offices, the expansion of the DOD’s role in the entertainment industry, the total lack of accountability.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 52 Tom Secker – Chase Brandon, State entertainment, Turkey Coup,

For this inaugural episode I am joined by my good friend and frequent collaborator Tom Secker. We begin by discussing the bizarre life and career of the CIA Hollywood liaison Chase Brandon. We then move onto the relationship between entertainment and the security services. We explore the notion that this going beyond mere propaganda, and instead represents a significant distortion of our culture and perception of reality and world events.

Jay wAfternoon Commute: Geopolitics, Plato, Crystals & Dimensions

I join Chris and John and Andreas on the latest Hoaxbuster’s Call to discuss staged terror, psy ops, Turkey, France and Syria in geopolitics, metaphysics, alchemy, aether physics, elites, Royal Society, frauds and cons, Plato, dimensions, crystals and number theory, paradoxes and immaterial realities, Godel, A.I, and higher dimensions.