predictive programming

Esoteric Hollywood: Truman Show & Groundhog Day Deciphered

In this episode, I decipher the philosophical and sometime esoteric underpinnings to two popular 90s films, Groundhog Day and The Truman Show. Surprising perhaps to some, both films exhibit a great deal of philosophical depth and forethought. Curious ethical and metaphysical questions are raised in both, and with The Truman Show in particular.

Jay Dyer’s Esoteric Hollywood: The Real Meaning of Kubrick’s Shining

Intro theme: “Dream Agent” by Ariel Electron, Holeg Spies and Thierry Gotti on the “Kore Kosmou” album.
In this episode, I take on Kubrick’s horror classic, The Shining with a different take than Weidner or Ager. This audio also features my Jack and Tony impersonations. My thesis is also encapsulated in my extensive written analysis at and will also be explored in my book Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film now available for pre-order at

Jay w/Afternoon Commute: OJ’s Magical Mars Moon Juice

John and Chris of The Afternoon Commute join Jay Dyer on an exploration into recent “events”; The San Bernardino Shooting and the recent Paris attacks. Weaponized Immigration as a control strategy, Media manipulation and coordination, Predictive Programming, O.J and Capricorn One, Reality TV, Scare Mongering, The Government’s monopoly on violence, Fear and Statist control. The controlled narrative.

Jay Dyer’s Esoteric Hollywood: 2001 A Space Odyssey Decoded

In this episode of Esoteric Hollywood I break down Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and its esoteric meaning. Included are my rebuttals of the Neo-Darwinian philosophy that underpins the narrative, as well as the exotheology mythos that it seeks to evangelize with. 2001 is a technical achievement but also a tremendous propaganda piece that concludes with gnostic transhumanism.
Intro theme: “Dream Agent” by Ariel Electron, Holeg Spies and Thierry Gotti on the “Kore Kosmou” album.

Jay on Far Out Radio: Skynet and the A.I. Takeover

Scott Teeters of Far Out Radio on the Rense Radio Network invited me back to discuss my presentation at the Secret Space Program.  We investigate the topics of black budgets and hidden loot by which the military industrial complex has secreted away hidden tech that is ultimately about the erection of the global A.I. SmartGrid.  From SmartPhones to SmartCities, the plan is more nefarious than most are aware…

Jay w/Greg Moffitt: Shamans, Demons & Hollywood

Greg Moffitt of Legalise Freedom invited me on to discuss the spiritual realm, the possibility of demons in relation to the fractured and traumatized psyche, ritual occultism and abuse, and the cryptocracy.  How far do the oligarchs take occultism?  Is it just a hoodwink, or are there really entities that can possess an individual?   Is David Rockefeller just a pragmatic atheist?  We take some interesting philosophical twists and turns here, outlining the rat

Esoteric Hollywood: SPECTRE and the Paris Attacks

In this episode of Esoteric Hollywood, I break down the recent Paris attacks purportedly by “ISIS” and the odd connections to the 2015 film SPECTRE.  SPECTRE’s plot involves 007 on the trail of the shadowy international criminal syndicate originally found in the Fleming novels, emerging from SMERSH, Soviet counter-intelligence.  Ominous parallels emerge in SPECTRE, as we learn the syndicate is behind a series of bombings and terror attacks, globally.  Echoing the Charlie Hebdo incidents earlier this year, the connections with SPECTRE appear too close…