
HEATED Roman Catholic, Arian & Atheist Discussions: Predestination, Papacy, St. Mary! -Jay Dyer

Today we will have open forum debate and Q n A from Twitter Spaces for those who want to challenge the Orthodox position or bring new argumentation against my positions. Open forum today includes topics such as: religious engineering, Calvinist and evangelical debates, atheism, universals and abstract objects, TAG and transcendental arguments, Logos and logoi, […]

Protestantism Vs Roman Catholicism: 2 Sides of the Same Coin – Jay Dyer

 Today I will be doing another deep dive into the dialectical dilapidation known as Protestantism and its Mother, the Latin Papal Church.  I will compare both historically, looking at the ancient canons, the Tradition of the Church, the imbalance between the one and the many, the hyper-centralized Vs. atomized structures of both, the bad […]

The Reformation Refuted: An Orthodox Critique of Reformed Theology – Jay / COTEL

“In this stream I am joined by the man, the myth, the legend Jay Dyer to deconstruct Reformed Protestant Theology from an Eastern Orthodox paradigm and perspective. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think. If you enjoy this production, feel compelled, or appreciate my other videos, please support me through my website ( or donate directly by PayPal. Any contribution would be greatly appreciated. ”

The Bible Alone Debate – Jay Dyer Vs RC Apologist

“RC Apologist” has mentioned me by name as someone he wants to debate Sola Scriptura with. Since I am a former Calvinist, I always welcome the opportunity to refute the position and its distinctives. The debate is not formal, but open crossfire and has no set time limit.  That the Church doesn’t determine her entire canon, but only the NT, is literally the stupidest argument I’ve ever heard.. “Dear rabbinical high court, What is the proper list of books that we heretic Christians should accept? Thanks, Paul the Apostle”

The Western Loss of Theophanies, Descent & Recapitulation of Christ

By: Jay Dyer
“Thy mystery of the incarnation of the Word bears the power of all hidden meanings and figures of Scripture as well as the knowledge of visible and intelligible creatures. The one who knows the mystery of the cross and the tomb knows the reason of things. And the one who has been initiated into the ineffable power of the Resurrection knows the purpose for which God originally made all things.” (St. Maximos the Confessor, Chapters on Knowledge, 1.66)