Pramila Jayapal

Trump Isn't The Only One Who Isn't Normal-- Ryan Gets A Much-Needed Bipartisan Slapdown

Nancy Ohanian's Speaker PaulThursday, Paul Ryan told reporters that the CBO analysis of Trumpcare is "bogus" and thereby bolstered the Trump Regime's relentless campaign to undermine and destroy American institutional norms.Congress created the CBO in 1974 in legislation then signed by President Nixon, although the legislation stemmed from a dispute between Congress and Nixon over whether Congress would maintain the po

There Can Only Be One "Best Freshman In Congress"-- And Pramila Jayapal Is It

Over the years Blue America has been gratified to have helped elect some truly amazing men and women to Congress, men and women who have proved to be leaders for the values we embrace-- from Donna Edwards and Jamie Raskin in Maryland to Alan Grayson (FL), Elizabeth Warren (MA), Tammy Baldwin (WI), Keith Ellison (MN), Russ Feingold (WI), Judy Chu (CA), Raul Grijalva, Barbara Lee (CA), etc.

I Feel Badly Writing A Post Like This... I Really Do. And I Really Want To See Devin Nunes' Career End

The thermometer on the right puts the strongest and most effective voices of congressional Resistance to Trumpism all on one page. The men and women on the page that opens if you tape the thermometer are the ones who have put a lot of effort into calling out Trump on his outrageous excesses. But look at the names on that page. None of them are just sitting around all day taking pot shots at Trump, the way, for example, Adam Schiff-- who wants to run for Feinstein's US Senate seat-- does.

Will Montana And Georgia Special Election Voters Help Stop Trump? Lookin' Good

A new poll of GA-06 voters is a dire warning to congressional Republicans. Paul Ryan's SuperPAC has put more money into the campaign on behalf of Karen Handel than any outside group has ever spent on any congressional race in history. And those millions and millions of dollars appear to have been wasted as Jon Ossoff has pulled ahead:

Don't Count On Any Republicans To Help Save The Country From Trump Until After There's Rioting In The Streets

Maverick-- or craven partisan hack?Whichever NY Times editor who gave Jennifer Steinhauser's Sunday piece the headline, GOP Senators, Pulling Away From Trump, Have 'A Lot Less Fear Of Him', may have been having a bout of wishful thinking. Or maybe those commas were an excuse to confuse readers. Nah, The Times would never do that.

This Is What The GOP Was Willing To Do For Tax Cuts For Billionaires-- 3 Dozen GOP Seats In Jeopardy

In Elizabeth Warren's words, "TrumpCare isn't a health care bill. A bill that destroys health care for millions to shovel cash to the rich isn't a health care bill. This is the same cruel bill that House Republicans tried to pass weeks ago. It still strips coverage from millions. Still guts Medicaid. Still strips funds away from states like Massachusetts that are battling the opioid crisis. The only thing that's changed about TrumpCare in recent weeks is that they made the original plan even more brutal. This isn't football. It's not about scoring points.