Pramila Jayapal

58 Democrats Voted For Beginning Impeachment Hearings

Wednesday afternoon the House defeated Texas Democrat Al Green's motion to begin impeachment proceedings against Señor Trumpanzee, 364-58 with 4 Democrats-- Joaquin Castro (TX), Terri Sewell (AL), Carol Shea-Porter (NH) and Marc Veasey (TX)-- voting "present."Generally speaking, it was the progressives who voted to start impeachment proceedings and conservative Democrats like Kyrsten Sinema

Ryan And Trump Pick Winners And Losers With Their Very Flawed Tax Proposal

The nonpartisan ethics watchdogs, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), was blunter than most when it came to defining the Trump/Ryan tax plan: it was designed lower Señor Trumpanzee's taxes. The Alternative Minimum Tax, which Ryan wants to eliminate entirely, cost Trump $31 million in 2005, the one year people got to examine part of Trump's returns. That tax was designed to get something out of crooked millionaires and billionaires who game the system to avoid taxes-- like Trump.

Is The U.S. Responsible For Erik Prince's Savage Mercenaries Murdering Civilians In Yemen?

Not many Americans are especially aware of Yemen, an ancient country at the foot of the Arabian peninsula. it isn't on many tourist itineraries and there hasn't been a lot of U.S. business involvement. The country is not oil rich. But there is a horrifying war going on that has brutally devastated the country being carried out by U.S. allies, primarily Saudi Arabia, but also Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Bahrain, all authoritarian anti-democratic, feudal countries.

There's A Serious Culture Of Corruption At The Intersection of Wall Street And The House Financial Services Committee

Republicans and "Democrats" from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party are drawn to the House Financiall Services Committee like flies to shit. It's the congressional honeypot through which millions and millions of dollars in bribes moves from Wall Street into the political system every year. The banksters and their lobbyists pay big money to the members of the committee for their... cooperation.

There's Going To Be Trump-Incited Violence In New York Today

There's going to be violence in New York today when DREAMers and their allies in New York stage an aggressive protest at Trump Tower and the police try to stop them. Tragic! There were some GOP congressmen who are demanding that Paul Ryan, as Speaker, stop playing politics with this issue and allow a vote to enshrine DACA in law. But that's exactly what other Republicans fear.