Pramila Jayapal

This Won't Be The Final Medicare-For-All Argument-- But It Should Be

I've been all wound up this week in getting to know a whole bunch of new candidates, trying to suss out, in the immortal words of Chris Hayes "what they'll fight for" and "who they'll fight for." The other day I was on the phone with a young attorney, Marqus Cole, in Gwinnet County northwest of Atlanta. Healthcare is a big deal for him and we got down to discussing Medicare-For-All.

Let's Look At How Lazy "Journalists" Heather Caygle And Laura Barrón-López Misled Politico Readers By Stuffing A Story On Cheri Bustos Full Of DCCC Talking Points

Does anyone outside of Bustos' office seriously think that slogan won the Democrats back the House?Politico ace reporters Heather Caygle And Laura Barrón-López should go to journalism school-- or somehow get it through their heads that reporters aren't actually supposed to be mindless cheerleaders for the establishment

Corporate and “Progressive” Democrats Threaten Medicare Itself

Sanders, Jayapal, and more… By Charles Andrews | Dissident Voice | March 1, 2019 The Democratic Party won a majority in the House of Representatives in the November 2018 elections by making health care one of its top “messages.” Yet events from Bernie Sanders’ bill of 2017 to legislation that “progressive” Representative Pramila Jayapal introduced […]

With Butthead In The White House, EVERYTHING Is Connected

On KABC this morning, Ann Coulter addressed the massive morning drive audience about her former hero, Donald Trump, urging them to "Forget the fact that he's digging his own grave. The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot." We don't all agree why, but I think that a good 70% of the country would agree. So much has happened since she wrote In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! in 2016. Earlier this morning someone asked Trump how much influence she's had over his policy decisions. "Ann Coulter," he babbled, "I don’t know her. I hardly know her.