Pramila Jayapal

SOCIALISM!!!!!! Democrats Passed A Minimum Wage Bill Today

Schrader, one of only 6 Dems to vote against raising wages, isn't worried because Cheri Bustos will protect him from Mark GambaThe House finally voted today to gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. The final vote was 231 to 199. Six Democrats crossed the aisle to vote against it, while 3 Republicans were going in the other direction in favor.

Bernie's Ready To Fight It Out On Medicare-For-All-- Are Status Quo Joe And Kamala?

When I was growing up, there weren't a lot of women's voices in the media. I'm old. But I remember always wanting to read Eleanor Clift in Newsweek, not so much because I agreed with her but because she was the only woman around writing about politics. She's even older than I am-- and older than Biden, Trump and Bernie.

Time For Pelosi And Hoyer, After Passing A Bill To Fund Concentration Camps, To Retire

These were the members of Congress who voted against Trump's concentration camps. The rest of them voted to fund the concentration camps. Remember that in 2020Moments after the House vote to fund border operations through the reactionary Senate approach, progressive Arizona Democrat Eva Putzova sent me a note.

Would You Vote For A 21st Century Economic Bill Of Rights?

If you vote for Bernie you’re voting for the man— for his vision, honesty, integrity, good intentions and ability— at least as much s you’re voting for his specific programs. One of those programs, though, sums up what he wants to do to change the country inn a fundamental way— the 21st Century Economic Bill of Rights. The idea is to establish, once and for all that every American, regardless of his or her income in entitled to:

Pelosi Promised If She Won A Majority, She Would Lower Drug Prices-- So What's The Hold Up?

The problem: Pallone and PelosiBack in January, when the new Democratic majority began taking over the reins of power in Congress, there was a hopeful spate of reports on drug prices-- like this one by Maureen Groppe in USA Today: Democrats examine drug prices, a first step in Congress' path t

Mueller's Live Statement Yesterday Was Aimed At Congress, Especially House Democrats And Their Cowardly Leaders

In a move that perfectly mimics Orwell's Ministry of Truth, the Trumpist Regime has begun calling toxic hydrocarbon pollutants "molecules of freedom." So why should it surprise any one that Señor Trumpanzee himself, moments after watching Mueller give that televised statement above, tweeted/gaslighted something that could have come from an alternative universe?