PPR bonus podcast

PPR Bonus Podcast ep 10 House of Cards Series One with Tom Secker

The wait is finally over. Tom Secker and I are covering the House of Cards Trilogy. In part one of our three part series we introduce everyone to one of our favorite tv shows. We first discuss the setting of the show and the decision to portray the Tory Party in a less than pleasant light. Next Tom and I discuss our favorite characters, and go into depth on why Roger O’Neil is so amazing in those first series.

PPR Bonus Podcast episode 8 Ng Lap Seng trial and UN Bribery with Matthew Russell Lee

This month I am joined once again by Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press. Matthew and I discuss the outcome of the Ng Lap Seng United Nations bribery case which saw six guilty verdicts. Matthew explains how this Macau based billionaire was involved in bribing UN officials such as former head of the General Assembly John Ashe, as well as fronting the money for a veritable fake news outlet South South News. We talk about many of the intricacies of the case including Ng Lap Seng’s connections to Bill Clinton.

PPR bonus podcast episode 7 How to Defeat Trolls

This month I discuss the issue of internet trolls, their irritating tactics, psychology, and my own methods for defeating them. I use a recent email I received from “Gary” as a prime example of a troll. I break down how I dealt with this situation and offer my own advice for how you can defeat the Gary’s of the internet world. I also discuss the reasons I believe people resort to this behavior, primarily focusing on the issue of loneliness and isolation.

PPR Bonus podcast episode 3 Tribute to Wayne Barrett

I give a tribute the late great Wayne Barrett.  One of the last true muckracking journalists of our time, he will be truly missed by one and all.  I also talk about the need for people like Barrett right now given our current political and social climate.
If you would like to listen to this episode and support my work please become a subscriber today