
How Many Concussions from Capitalists Can Americans Take?

America… just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable. — Hunter S. Thompson, “September,” Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72, p. 413. Imagine, just how programmed […]
The post How Many Concussions from Capitalists Can Americans Take? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Land in South Africa Shall Be Shared Among Those Who Work It

Sbongile Tabhethe works in the food garden at eKhenana land occupation in Cato Manor, Durban, 9 June 2020. Credit: New Frame / Mlungisi Mbele In March 2022, United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres warned of a ‘hurricane of hunger’ due to the war in Ukraine. Forty-five developing countries, most of them on the African continent, […]

Face it, Ukraine: The West is using your country and doesn’t give a rip about you. [Video]

Redacted hit a complete home run with this piece. It is very important for everyone following this conflict to understand what the “special military operation” is about, and what the West’s cheerleading a nation to death (literally) is also about. Let’s start with Russia, since Russia is always getting called the quintessential “bad guy” in […]

Imperialism Cannot Solve Our Problems

In learning more about the Poor People’s Campaign Moral March on Washington set for June 18th, I came across this statement by Bishop William Barber, the campaign’s national co-chair: Republicans say poverty is just a personal failure. And Democrats too often talk about the working class and those trying to make it into the middle […]
The post Imperialism Cannot Solve Our Problems first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The entire culture needs to be recycled

Recently, as I neared my local C-Town supermarket, I saw a middle-aged man standing near a recycling redemption machine. In front of him were several massive clear garbage bags teeming full of the cans and bottles he had collected. The man looked bloated, exhausted, defeated — his skin grayish as he went through the motions […]
The post The entire culture needs to be recycled first appeared on Dissident Voice.

CovertAction Bulletin Podcast: How Did China Eradicate Extreme Poverty?

On today’s show, we bring you the second half of our interview with Tings Chak, Researcher and art director at Tricontinental: Institute of Social Research, and a member of the Dongsheng Collective. We focus on the Chinese government’s programs to eradicate extreme poverty in the country and further discuss her work on the study “Serve the People: The Eradication of Extreme Poverty in China” for Tricontinental.

“Long COVID”: Economic Devastation and Quarter of a Billion Pushed Into Extreme Poverty  

There is a terrifying prospect that in excess of a quarter of a billion more people will fall into extreme levels of poverty in 2022 alone. Without immediate radical action, we could be witnessing the most profound collapse of humanity into extreme poverty and suffering in memory. That is according to Oxfam International Executive Director Gabriela Bucher. […]

The Keep Africa Poor and Dependent Project  

Exploited and abused for generations by white colonial powers and manipulative economic structures, there is a growing feeling of solidarity within parts of the African continent, as exemplified by the #NoMore movement. Covid vaccine inequality and environmental injustice, together with recent events in Ethiopia, have galvanized people. Ideas of African unity and rage against former […]