Poverty In USA

Poverty is the Sin, Not Poor People

As if killing the Child Tax Credit, blocking voting rights, gutting key climate legislation, and refusing living wages wasn’t enough, West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin is now promoting legislation that further punishes the poor and marginalized. Along with Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio, he’s introduced the PIPES Act, which undercuts key harm-reduction funding from the Department of Health and Human Services. It arrives with a[Read More...]

The Right to Work and FDR’s Economic Bill of Rights

                                 Professor Emeritus of Economics at MIT, Peter Temin, argues that the ongoing decline of the American middle class has resulted in the emergence of two distinct countries within the United States (U.S.), typical of developing nations.  In The Vanishing Middle Class: Prejudice and Power[Read More...]

An Issue Following The Food-Sought-To-Santa Story

The incidents of the recently-exposed poor and poverty in the US [an article on hungry children, evicted old lady and other poor people carried by Countercurrents.org on December 21, 2017 & Frontier on-line, December 22, 2017] tell a few aspects that trail the exposed poverty. Tracking the aspects helps lay bare a few facts; and the facts help take away[Read More...]