
From Deconstruction To Demolition

If anarchism and post-modernism are synonymous, then, the primary reason the post-modern age has not fully come to pass as of yet is because post-modernism has been divorced from its motor force, anarchism. Therefore, post-modernism has been sabotaged; it has been detached from its locomotive centrifuge, deep within its theoretical apparatus and critical techniques, namely, anarchism.

Herd-Mediocrity and The Meta-Narrative of Bourgeois-Capitalism

The Enlightenment meta-narrative of bourgeois-capitalism is committed to mediocrity. In fact, the Enlightenment meta-narrative of bourgeois-capitalism celebrates it. Everywhere the meta-narrative of bourgeois-capitalism reigns supreme, mediocrity follows, due to the fact mediocrity is the order and the criterion of any type of hierarchy founded on the Enlightenment meta-narrative of bourgeois-capitalism.

Post-Modernism Has Not Smashed to Pieces the Meta-Narrative of Bourgeois-Capitalism

Western high-tech civilization can never fully enter the post-modern era without eradicating civilization of bourgeois-state-capitalism, namely, the meta-narrative of bourgeois-capitalism, that encrusted jewel, dead center, within the crown of the Enlightenment, which continues to infect and poison high-tech society with a most horrible sickness, insatiable avarice, an avarice for unlimited power and money.

Sunday afternoon in the liberal ghetto

The concept of a ghetto has traditionally been one that implies the involuntary  segregation of a poor or marginalised group into a less than desirable quarter of a city, often totally cut-off from the nicer parts of town.
Today though, in affluent western cities whether New York, Berlin, London, Toronto, San Francisco or Los Angeles, economically well-off individuals of the liberal mindset, tend to voluntarily wall themselves off in a psychological and spiritual ghetto. In this place, they are sheltered from the realities of the real world.