post-literate presidency

Should We Think Of Trump As An Illiterate Buffoon Or As Someone With A Disability?

One of the reasons why I don't like using RealClearPolitics' polling averages is because they include Rasmussen, a company known for delivering polling numbers their clients pay for. But even with a ridiculous Rasmussen poll included, the RealClearPolitics polling average for Trump's job approval shows that just 45.2% of the electorate approves of the job he's doing, as opposed to 52.3% who don't.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahWhen it comes to Fire And Fury, I guess Señor Trumpanzee can get the AudioBook version. But... maybe we should hold an immediate special election to select a designated reader or readers and rush them to the White House. Here's my list of candidates for the job. Maybe each one could read him a chapter. Please don't think I'm trying to induce a stroke of anything. I'm just a patriotic guy looking to help out.