
Portuguese Court Demands CIA Agent Extradition to Italy for Rendition Crime

Sputnik – 16.01.2016 A Portuguese court of appeals has ordered the extradition of a former CIA officer who was convicted in absentia for her alleged role in the rendition of a suspected terrorist. Sabrina De Sousa could face four years in jail. The dual American and Portuguese citizen traveled to Lisbon in April with her […]

A Message of Hope for the New Year

Kevin Zeese has long amazed me because of the number of things he does to make a better world. Mondays he does a radio program with Margaret Flowers called Clearing the FOG, which is one of the best alternative programs in the world, informing people of what is happening beyond the narrow scope of the corporate media.
Months before the Occupy Movement began, he was organizing activists in the City of Washington to occupy Freedom Plaza there.

Interview 1110 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-11-12%20James%20Evan%20Pilato.mp3"][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: Portugal votes for hope and change as austerity bites back; a new report details American government bribery to sports leagues for paid propaganda placement; and a town goes offshore to avoid taxes.

Portugal’s President Won’t Allow Leftists to Form a Government

teleSUR – October 23, 2015 Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva said he will not allow a coalition of leftist parties to form a government despite the fact that they won an outright majority in parliamentary elections held earlier this month. The president said Thursday that he gave conservative Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho the mandate […]

Mom, Is it War Yet?

For me 2015 began with a suicide. I was on my way to Berlin with an early train just after midnight on 1 January. About 8 am our connecting train from Hamburg stopped approximately 25 kilometres down the line because someone had apparently gotten up early that morning and travelled to a point in the middle of nowhere to jump in front of it. Since our train was approximately 45 minutes late, this person not only had to contemplate his way to the tracks but wait perhaps impatiently for the wheeled engine of his demise to do its work.