
COVID-19 Behavior Policing: Rehearsal for Crackdown on Dissent Ahead of Climate Collapse?

Newspeak, Trumpism and conspiracy theories News Junkie Post has a policy of zero tolerance for conspiracy theories. With a story as big and global as the COVID-19 pandemic, alternative narratives from conspiracy theorists were bound to happen. Like most news outlets, big or small, News Junkie Post‘s main focus in 2020 was the pandemic. Our […]

Biden will fail to bring back “normal” politics

Analysts are still grappling with the fallout from the US election. Trumpism proved a far more enduring and alluring phenomenon than most media pundits expected. Defying predictions, Trump improved his share of the overall vote compared to his 2016 win, and he surprised even his own team by increasing his share of minority voters and […]
The post Biden will fail to bring back "normal" politics first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Adding More Dust onto a Threadbare Empire

Barbara Lee: I’m very terrified with regard to what we see taking place. And the signs are there. When you talk about shutting down the media, putting out their alternative facts, banning dissent and opposition, criticizing people who are exercising their First Amendment rights; trying to get people to believe, really, the distortions that they’re […]
The post Adding More Dust onto a Threadbare Empire first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The leading CEOs of Big Tech sure had their deception down pat in Congress [Video]

Breitbart News’ Lucas Nolan took no prisoners in his assessment of the House Judiciary Committee hearing of the most powerful Tech CEO’s in the United States. These leaders, representing Apple, Google (Youtube), Amazon and Facebook (WhatsApp), were well prepared to lie to a committee that itself had divided goals.

Surprise, surprise (no surprise) – Analyst says Russians did NOT hack DNC server [Video]

On July 18th, Bill Binney, a former technical director with the National Security Agency (NSA) went public on a video interview, saying something that readers of The Duran have known for three years or longer: the Russians did not hack anyone. Even the around the edges hinting of Russian involvement in somehow ‘meddling’ with the American presidential elections in 2016 is absolutely false. Here are some quotes from the interview featured in the video clip:

‘National Populisms’, the Little Man and Big Men

  In an earlier post last month, I had discussed the global rise of the Right as related to the revolt of the ‘little man’ (a term I borrow from Wilhelm Reich) and his search for a ‘father-figure’ of authority. I had also argued in that post that the revolt of the little man in … Continue reading ‘National Populisms’, the Little Man and Big Men →

Signs point to the next century becoming the Asian Century

A May 25th report from Russia’s TASS News Agency brings up a very interesting question: What will the role of the United States be in the century to come, and who will be the leader of the world if it is not the US? This report opines that an Asian century is looming, and that the coronavirus pandemic may actually be one of the factors influencing this change. TASS reports: