
Leaked Emails Prove Coca-Cola Was Paying for Propaganda Promoting Sugary Drinks

Rhona Applebaum, a senior executive at Coca Cola, had been arranging to give donations amounting to $1.5 million to ‘charities’ that published propaganda telling people that sugary drinks have nothing to do with their weight problem, diabetes, and multiple other health issues associated with obesity.
Rhona Applebaum likely didn’t count on the trial (so clearly proving that Coca Cola is contributing to America’s obesity epidemic) being unveiled through her personal emails. Now she is taking ‘immediate retirement.’

Coca Cola and Pepsi Battle Over San Francisco University ‘Pouring Rights’

The Soda Giants are at war again, with Pepsi Co. and Coca Cola vying for the young and thirsty at San Francisco State University. The school has promised to drop a controversial ‘pouring rights’ contract for sugary drinks.
Two bids from the soft drink giants were being reviewed by a committee of students, faculty, and staff to decide whether Pepsi or Coca Cola (or neither) would be able to sell their drinks at the University.